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Watch Season 4 with Us:

Before October 29 - Watch Episodes 1-2
Oct. 29, 6:00-7:15 - Discuss Episodes 1-2
Oct. 30-Nov. 11 - Watch Episodes 3-4
Nov. 12, 6:00-7:15 - Discuss Episodes 3-4
Nov. 13-25 - Watch Episodes 5-6
Nov. 26, 6:00-7:15 - Discuss Episodes 5-6
Nov. 27-Dec. 9 - Watch Episodes 7-8
Dec. 10, 6:00-7:15 - Discuss Episodes 7-8

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Episode 8


  • The episode opens around 1,000 years earlier with King David returning from battle.  Abigail was his second wife (several before Bathsheba).  They had a son Chileab, also called Daniel.

  • The story of the Passover comes from Exodus 12.  Consider reading it. 

  • Pontius Pilate was prefect (governor) over Judah (generally, the Southern Kingdom) 26-36 CE, during the reign of Emperor Tiberias.  Pilate was disliked by the Jews for putting Roman religious symbols everywhere.  He was known for his cruelty, which eventually led him to be recalled to Rome, where he killed himself on the order of Emperor Caligula. 

  • Herod Antipas was tetrarch of Galilee and Perea (generally, the Northern Kingdom of Israel).  He is the one who had John the Baptist executed.  He and Pontius Pilate were similar in their power and rank, just covering different territories. 

  • When Herod and Pilate are eating, they lounge at a table called a triclinium.  This is how most people ate, not sitting at a table like we see Jesus and the disciples often eating. 

  • Joanna appears a lot in this episode.  Recall that she is a rich woman who visits John the Baptist, warns the disciples of danger, and funds their ministry.  Although she is named in the Bible, as a secret supporter, much of what happens in The Chosen is imagined. 

  • Recall the bridle that Joseph gave to Jesus in Season 3, Episode 3 (43rd minute).  When giving it to Jesus, Joseph says, “Thousands of years ago, when our people were finally set free from slavery, as they were leaving, one of our ancestors from the great tribe of Judah used this every bridle to lead mule laden with supplies out of Egypt.  Of course, the mule eventually died, and everything was lost in the wilderness.  But, this was in his hand when he escaped.  The men in our family have handed this down to each other for 40 generations as a remembrance of our bondage, and even more importantly, in remembrance of being let into freedom in the promised land.”  Although a wonderful symbol in The Chosen, remember that it is not Biblical.


  • When Jesus asks Schmuel what he hopes for the Messiah, he responds, “To usher in a new Davidic kingdom that drives out our oppressors and restores justice and glory for Israel . . . On a glorious throne with prosperity for all.  A new golden age, with Israel as the light to the nations, revealing God to the peoples of the world.”  “And what will you do in that day?”  “Worship?  Serve, I hope.  How could I possibly know until that day comes?”

    • How would you have answered:  What is your hope that the Messiah does?  If that happens, what will you do in that day? 

  • Jesus tells the parable of the sheep and the goats.  Consider reading this again in the Bible in Matthew 25:31-46. 

    • Call to mind specific people are the “least” of Jesus’ family.  How do you serve them?

    • What do you do to them or for them? 

    • Why do you think the righteous were surprised that they had served the Lord?  Think of a time that you fed, clothed, healed, visited, or cared for someone else.  What difference did it make to God?

  • What do you think it means that “the Son of Man, the Messiah, is identified with the lowest of all people--the hungry, the poor, the stranger”? 

    • Do you agree with Schmuel that this is a hard teaching?  Why is it so hard? 

  • Jesus quotes Micah 6:8.  What does it mean to do justice?  Love kindness?  Walk humbly with your God? 

  • Jesus says, “A new commandment I give you, that you love one another just as I have loved you.  By this, all people will know that you are my disciples.  That you have love for one another.”  Do people know Christians for their love?  Why or why not?  Do people know you are a follower of Jesus because of your love?  Why or why not? 

  • What do you think of Mary anointing Jesus with the expensive perfume? 

    • Why would she do this?  What was the purpose? 

    • What do you make of Jesus’ response to the anointing?  Does it contradict what he’d just said?  What does his response say about the character of God? 

    • Was this a waste as Judas and Schmuel insist?  Why or why not?  They both want good things, so what are they missing? 

    • What do we as followers of Jesus do that some might consider a waste?  What do we spend money on that would be better spent on caring for people? 

  • Schmuel says, “I came here to give you a chance, and you’ve ruined it.”  When has God “ruined” the change you gave God to prove Himself? 

  • Claudia (Pilate’s wife) talks to Joanna about the dedication of the Jews:  “They come on foot, hundreds of miles to an overcrowded city with uncomfortable lodging options.  Do you believe in anything so much?”  Do you?  What have you given up to follow God?  How far would you go? 

  • Joanna says, “What can someone like me ever do?  I feel like a prop in their theater of power.  Like a decoration.”  Claudia responds, “I think we could be more than that, if we believe in something as much as they do.”  What can someone like you do? What motivates you? 

  • Why do you think people rush to meet Jesus, Joanna included? 

    • What could move you to that kind of excitement and expectation? 

    • Have you ever felt such deep excitement in your life of faith?  Why or why not? 

  • Jesus tells his followers:  “No matter what happens this week.  No matter what you see or feel or think or do, I want you to know that in this world, I loved you as my own.  And I will love you to the end.”  Do you believe you are included in this love? 

  • Although the episode is 1 hour: 27 minutes, the action ends at 1:07.  After 11 minutes of credits, the final 6 minutes are outtakes from filming.  A little bit of the “magic” is lost by watching them, but it also offers an interesting window into the filming.  You may choose whether or not to watch these. 

    • If you do watch them, what thoughts do the outtakes bring to you? 

    • Which one is the most humorous to you? 

  • Season 5 will begin with Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.  What are your expectations for seasons 5-7? 

    • Do you think the show will get better or worse?  More enjoyable or less enjoyable?  Why? 

    • What do you want to see?  What do you not want to see?

Episode 7


  • The episode opens decades into the future. 

  • At the home of Lazarus is Mary, the mother of Jesus.  Martha is the taller sister who does most of talking.  Mary is the one sitting down, and who goes to Jesus second.

  • Much of this episode comes from the Gospel John, chapter 11.  Consider reading it before or after watching the episode. 

  • The episode ends (a little over an hour in) back in the future with Mary reading her poetry to Matthew as the video moves back and forth between the future and the disciples with Jesus in the “present.”  See the section at the end for more on this poem.



  • While talking on the road, John says to Thomas, “In our faith, it is frowned upon to look forward to our own death.  God says that if it is between ‘life and death, blessing and curse, we should choose life.’”  However, we often look with admiration at people near the end of their life who are at peace and ready to “go be with their Lord.”  Should we ever look forward to death?  Welcome it?  

    • Maybe this is more about misery.  When have you preferred misery over joy?

  • Thomas tells John, “No, John, this isn’t an unusual circumstance.  We have been forced to accept that death is a part of life.”  Why do you think God made death a part of life?  Does it have to be a bad thing?  If not, why does it often feel like a bad thing?  

  • Judas tells Nathaniel, “He’s the Messiah.  Shouldn’t we be winning?  Not losing constantly?  Stumbling around in sackcloth and ashes all the time?”  Is the fact that less people go to church today a sign that we are losing?  Or that we still suffer?  Is faith even about winning?  

  • While speaking to Mary on the road, Little James quotes from Psalm 13.  Consider reading it.  What is unspoken that moves us from questioning God to acceptance and praise?

  • Little James also says that Jesus beautifully explained why he hadn’t healed him, but that doesn’t mean he’s not still in pain.  What is the difference between healing and wholeness?  Can we be whole, even when we are still sick or hurting?  

  • Little James asks Mary, “Is all of this what you expected?”  Has being a Christian been all you expected it to be?  What has been different?  Has it been good or bad (or both)?  

  • The disciples are clearly struggling with deep things.  After being with Jesus and seeing everything he’s done, shouldn’t they get it by now?  

    • What do you struggle with?  Do you think there will ever be a time that you don’t struggle?  

    • Should there be a time it all makes sense to you?  Why or why not?

  • Jesus says Martha is “confused,” but she says she believes.  Can we have faith (and trust) in God, even when we don’t understand everything (and even doubt)?  

  • Jesus cries.  Why?  Didn’t he know he was going to raise Lazarus?  What grieved him?  

    • What emotions did Jesus’ weeping stir for you?  

    • What emotions do you think it stirs in God when you cry?

  • Thomas clearly struggles with Lazarus being raised from the dead.  Have you ever been jealous of someone else’s healing?  That they still have a loved one you lost long ago?  That they don’t struggle with the same things you do?  Is life “fair”?  If not, how can God be loving?  

  • After Lazarus’ resurrection, Thomas falls to the ground and Jesus talks to him.  Ramah was not in the Bible, so this exchange was made up. Nonetheless, how well do you think the writers of The Chosen imagined this exchange?  If it had really happened, what do you imagine Jesus would have said and done?  How would you have written it differently?

  • Jesus later says about Thomas:  “As for the heartbroken, he cannot accept my love or words tonight.  His brothers will carry him.”  

    • Is it okay if there are times that we cannot accept God’s love and words?  

    • What does Jesus mean by, “His brothers will carry him”?  Who has carried you?  How? 

  • When people start to focus on Little James’ disability, he says, “This is between me and God.  As should be everything else we’ve been talking about tonight.”  Do you agree with him?  

    • Is what we face (pain, loss, doubt, joy, hope, etc.) always just between us and God?  

  • Jesus tells Lazarus:  “I’m sorry it had to be this way, but also not, because there is a higher plan in all of it.”  Do you buy this explanation?  Why or why not?  

  • The word “miracle” is never used in the Gospel of John.  John always calls Jesus’ deeds of power “signs.”  Every one points to something else.  What does this choice of words tell us about why Jesus did miraculous things?  Does that change our feelings of the unfairness?  

  • Judas thinks Lazarus’ resurrection will bring everyone together and no one will deny Jesus.  Lazarus also thinks that Jesus’ divine identity is now undeniable.  How naïve is that?  Why won’t everyone believe and trust?  

  • Martha asks, “What do you give to someone who raises the dead . . . What could he possibly need?”  Mary responds, “Well, surely he doesn’t need anything . . . Maybe that’s the whole point.”  What does Mary mean by that?  What’s the whole point?  

  • Isaiah 52:13-53:12 is thought to be about the coming Messiah.  Consider reading it.  

    • How do these words hit you after having seen this episode?  It the suffering of Jesus (of God) only physical?  Only when he’s human on earth?  

    • Why does it use the term “servant”?

  • When Jesus quotes Isaiah, Lazarus says, “They were just words on a scroll.  Now that they are about you, flesh and blood, it’s another story.”

    • How does seeing Jesus as human change our perspective on him and what he does?  

  • Jesus tells Lazarus he is frustrated his followers keep missing the point and forgetting what he has done.  He is angry at how the religious leaders twist the faith.  And he dreads all that is to come for himself.  What does it feel like to see Jesus (and God) express these emotions?

    • Is it possible for Jesus to have these emotions and still love them all?  You included?  

  • The disciples discuss why Jesus didn’t just say a word and heal Lazarus from a distance.  One says, “He wanted us to see.”  Another says, “He also wants us to participate.”  What do you think was the purpose of them all being there?  What is the purpose of us reading it?  

  • Twice in the episode, people say, “This side of…” and then don’t complete that sentence.  What are they talking about?  Why didn’t the writers of The Chosen just have them say that?


  • “Darkness is not the absence of light.  That would be too simple.  It is more uncontrollable and sinister.  Not a place, but a void.  I was there once.  More than once.  And although I could not see or hear you, you were there.  Waiting.  Because the darkness is not dark to you.  At least not always.  You wept, not because your friend was dead, but because soon you would be.  And because we couldn’t understand it.  Or didn’t want to.  Or both.  The coming darkness too deep for us to grasp.  But, then, so is the light.  One had to come before the other.  It was always that way with you.  It still is.  Tears fell from your eyes, and then ours before every light in the world went out.  And time itself wanted to die with you.  I go back to that place sometimes.  Or rather it comes back to me uninvited.  The night that was eternal… until it wasn’t.  Bitter, then sweet, but somehow the bitter remained in the sweet and has never gone away.  You told us it would be like that.  Not with your words, but with how you lived.  The man of sorrows, acquainted with grief.  That grief wasn’t what we wanted to see… so we tried to look away, and in so doing fulfilled your very essence: ‘One from whom people hide their faces.’  But soon we couldn’t hide from it any more than we could stop the sun from setting.  Or rising.  I remember you wishing there could be another way.  And looking back, I do, too.  I still don’t know why it has to be this way.  The bitter often mingled with the sweet.  Maybe I never will.  At least, not this side of…”

  • Although Mary’s poem echoes parts of scripture (especially Psalm 139 and Isaiah 53), it is not in the Bible.  Nor does it come from the gospel book attributed to Mary Magdeline that was left out of the Bible because it was written by someone else presenting their ideas in her name in the early 100s C.E.  The show writers have confirmed that it was created it to portray what could be her personal reflections. 

  • This also shouldn’t be confused with the Magnificat, which was the song of Mary, the mother of Jesus, when she was pregnant and met her cousin Elizabeth (Luke 1:46-55).

Episode 6


  • In the introduction, Big James is injured.  After the credits, things go back 7 days in time.  

  • They are celebrating the Feast of Dedication, which is also known as the Festival or Lights and Hanukkah.  They celebrate one day’s worth of oil lasting eight days in the Temple lamps when it was rededicated after its earlier desecration.  It symbolizes God’s providence and faithfulness beyond human understanding.  They light another candle of the menorah (in the episode, pots of oil) each day.  

  • Solomon’s Porch is an area on the outer parts of the Temple complex in Jerusalem where people gather.  It was named after King Solomon, who led the building of the Temple.  

  • Stoning was a form of capital punishment where a crowd would throw stones at someone until they died.  It applied for things such as blasphemy, breaking the sabbath, adultery, and other major crimes.  It could be administered on the spot.


  • What is your experience of Hanukkah?

    • How are the traditions you see play out similar or different than how we celebrate at Christmas?

  • When they are debating what gift to give Thomas, they lament that anything they give him will remind him he can’t share it with Ramah.  How can this dilemma lead us to doing nothing when we know someone who is hurting?  

  • Matthew and Judas argue over how the money should be spend.  Should we spend money on gifts, comforts, and other seemingly frivolous things?  Or should it all be put to bringing about God’s Kingdom?  What does that even mean?  

    • What are the implications for our congregation’s budget?  

    • What are the implications for how you spend your own money?  

  • When Peter and Thomas talk, Thomas says he is “supposed” to feel grateful during the celebration, but in reality he feels horrible.  

    • How has loss (death of a loved one, kids moving away, loss of a job, loss of health, etc.) changed your celebration of holidays (like Christmas)?  Do you struggle to find joy when you feel like you are “supposed” to?  How do you cope?  Have these things given new 
         meaning to old holidays?  

    • How do we care for and support those who struggle with loss at the holidays?  

  • Thomas says he doesn’t feel awful when “there is something important to do.”  How can keeping ourselves busy help us process and move through grief?  When can keeping ourselves busy go too far that we never deal with our grief?  

  • What emotions does the conversation between Peter and Thomas about why God lets things happen bring up for you?  Thomas says he knows all the “right” words, too.  Do they actually help you?  What does help?  

  • John tells Judas that he thought his ambition was for the ministry, but realizes now it was based on their own understanding and their own ambitions.  

    • How do we know the difference between God’s will and our own ideas or ambition?  

    • Judas asks, “Does Jesus not want us to be creative?  To use the gifts that Adonai has given us?”  How would you have answered those questions?  

  • Jesus spends a lot of time in this episode looking at, thinking about, and talking about sheep.  Consider reading John 10.  What do you think Jesus is saying in all of this?  

    • Why use the image of a shepherd?  

    • Do you think of yourself like a sheep?  What does that mean for you?  

  • When Mary asks Jesus where he hurts, he says, “Everywhere.  Inside and out.”  Based on this conversation and the look on his face throughout this episode, what do you think Jesus is feeling as people are getting sick and getting hurt?  

    • Why does he put everyone at risk if they are getting hurt?  Do you think it bothers him that people get hurt because of him?  

    • What does this emotion from Jesus tell us about the character of God?  

  • Trust is a major theme of this episode--God’s faithfulness confirmed in the Festival of Lights, sheep knowing the shepherd’s voice and following, trusting God’s ways in the face of pain and loss, etc.

    • In what ways are you good at trusting God?  In what ways do you struggle to trust?  

    • Looking back in your life, when has God followed through on God’s promises, even though you couldn’t see it at the time?  

    • How do you keep moving forward with trust in the middle of difficult times?  

  • Near the beginning of the episode, when Jesus and the disciples are celebrating, they recite Psalm 118.  Consider reading it.  After watching the episode, what stands out to you?  

    • Do you feel that you can honestly pray these words?  At any time?  

Episode 5


We begin to see the differences between the beliefs and practices of different Jewish sects.  Here is a brief summary:

  • Sadducees:  A priestly, upper-class elite who were politically powerful and involved in the Temple, its festivals, and its sacrifices. They believed in free will and that people were responsible for their own status in life. They did not believe in an afterlife, and that God rewards and punishes people in the present.  They only accepted the Torah as authoritative.

  • Pharisees:  A middle-class group who were less politically powerful. They believed in free will and fate, and in the resurrection of the dead and an afterlife. They were more concerned with observing their oral traditions and the Law of Moses than with temple worship and sacrifices.  They accepted both the written Torah and oral traditions ("the traditions of the elders") as binding law.  They emphasized personal piety and strict adherence to religious practices.

  • Essenes:  Kind of like Christian monks, they were a more secluded community known for their strict asceticism (simple living) and ritual purity.  They believed in fatalism and that everything was predetermined. They believed only in the immortality of the soul, but not necessarily a bodily resurrection. They are also associated with the Dead Sea Scrolls.

  • Scribes:  Primarily functioned as scholars and legal experts, responsible for interpreting and copying the Torah. They could be associated with either the Pharisees or Sadducees, depending on their individual beliefs. 

  • Zealots:  This is the sect that Simon the Zealot was a part of.  They were revolutionary nationalists who used violence and sabotage to overthrow Rome. 

  • Herodians / Hellenized Jews:  Jewish leaders who bowed to Herod and Rome, looking to secure influence and power.


  • One of the Sadducees says, “If all your work is only to receive a reward in the afterlife, it makes you blind to the realities of the one you’re living in now.” 

    • Do you think this statement has merit?  Do we sometimes focus too much on the afterlife at the expense of this life?

  • How did you feel about the soldiers asking Jesus and the disciples to carry their things?  About the things they said to them?  What do you think about how Jesus and the disciples responded? 

    • What was the impact on the soldiers when they went the extra mile?  How does this impact how you hear Jesus’ advice to go the extra mile.  Read Matthew 5:38-42 again.  How do you hear this now?  What difference does it make? 

    • Where do you see this type of humiliation of people today? 

    • How do you respond to bullies? 

  • Schmuel says, “Throughout history men have called their age confusing times, troubled times.  Ours is no different, I suppose.”  We complain about how bad things are today.  Is our age any different than all the others? 

    • If our time really isn’t all that different, what do all the other ages say to us about getting through this one? 

  • Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard workers, which is found in Matthew 20:1-16.  What stands out in this parable to you today? 

  • When Jesus tells the parable, Judas asks:  “Is the Kingdom of Heaven unjust?”  He responds, “I suppose to earthly eyes, it looks unfair.  I didn’t say the kingdom of this world; I said of Heaven.  It’s a different calculus, where people are not measured by what they deserve.”

    • Do things always need to be fair?  Why or why not? 

    • When have you been shown “unfair” grace?  When have you shown “unfair” grace?

  • Jesus tells Martha, “The best way to serve me is to pay close attention to my words.”

    • Can you relate to Martha?  Why or why not? 

    • Do you feel judged by Jesus’ words?  Why might that be? 

    • Jesus says, “Acts of service are beautiful.  Action is good . . . Your actions are valuable.”  If acts of service are not the problem, what is he concerned about? 

    • When do you get caught up in making things just right that you miss what’s most important? 

  • What do you think about Jesus consulting his mother on how to do things?  How does this humanize Jesus? 

  • Jesus laments that, “The human desire to avoid difficult news sometimes makes one deaf.”

    • When have you been deaf to difficult news?  Why didn’t you want to hear it?  What was the consequence of not listening? 

Episode 4


  • When you see the road marker that says, “IERVSALEM,” That is Jerusalem in Greek.

  • More and more we are hearing the term “Messiah.”  In Greek, it is “Christ.”  In English, it means “Anointed One.”  Although all Jews believed the Messiah would be a descendant of David and save God’s people, they had very different ideas about how that would happen.  Some thought the Messiah would be a military leader to overthrow the bonds of empire.  Others thought he would finally convince people to follow the Law perfectly to bring peace.  

  • It is hard to tell the Pharisees apart.  The one seen several times in this episode is Yusef.  

  • Although it moves quickly, several months pass during the first half of the episode.  

  • Generally, a Gentile was someone who was not Jewish.


  • Why do you think Quintas murdered Ramah?  He knew what the consequences would be.  Does it matter what the consequences are in the heat of a stressful moment?  How does a threat to our power or safety make us do irrational things?  

  • Quintas relied on power and position.  Are those ever certain?  If not, what can we rely on?  

  • Elisabeth Kübler-Ross described 5 Stages of Grief:  denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance (they’re not always in that order).  Where do you see people in those stages?  

  • Peter wants to “do something” for Thomas.  He feels like he needs to be a rock for him.  What does Jesus say Thomas needs?  What does Peter do instead of being a rock?  

    • When has someone been there for you in a tough time?  What did they offer?  

  • Mary says, “What if we’d kept our eyes on her?”  “I lost her.”  

    • Why do we so often start asking “What if…” and blaming ourselves?  

  • Peter quotes Isaiah 55:9-12:  “For my thoughts are not your thoughts...”  Read that passage from the Bible.  

    • Is this a satisfying answer for you when in the depth of loss?  

    • If not, when is it a helpful thing to consider?  

  • When Thomas has to face Kafni (Ramah’s dad), Jesus says, “Thomas, I will go with you.  We will face him together.”  

    • How is Jesus with us, facing difficult times with us?  What difference does it make?

  • When asked, Thomas says that he is praying, but it’s hard to mean them sometimes.  

    • When has your heart not been in your prayers?  Or in the praise you’ve offered in church?

    • Why is it important to keep praying, even when you aren’t feeling it or meaning it? 

  • What do you think of Gaius confession:  “I have seen enough.  I have seen what he does for those who can be of no help to him whatsoever.  I have heard him say words that both unscramble a lifetime of mystery and fill me with questions.”  

    • How would you describe your faith in Jesus if someone asked you?  

  • Consider Gaius’ protest that Jesus couldn’t or wouldn’t help him, and Peter’s responses:  “I’m not worthy.” -> “Neither was I.” | “You do not know the things I have done.”  -> “Me, too” | “I’m an outsider.”  “His favorite kind.” | “Someone who’s not Jewish?”  “Yeah.  Those dividing lines don’t matter to him.”  

    • Have you ever questioned God’s love for you, or God’s care for your situation based on similar feelings of unworthiness?  How do you think Peter would respond?  

  • Think about the contrast between the request of Gaius and the requests of the disciples...  Obviously, James and John should not have asked what they did.  But what was the disposition behind their differing requests?

    • Why did one “brighten Jesus’ day” and the other lead him to cry?

    • Which are your requests more like?  

    • How did Gaius feel after his request?  How did James and John feel afterwards?  

  • Jesus says, “All of you have been given leadership and authority . . . But you are thinking like the Gentiles, whose rulers lord their authority over their inferiors . . . This has to change . . . Whoever will be great among you must be your servant.”

    • What leadership and authority have you been granted as a person of faith?  

    • How do you exercise that blessing? 

  • Jesus says that the Son of Man will release his people from bondage.  The disciples don’t get it.  If someone isn’t being held captive, who needs freeing from what?  

  • While walking alone in anguish, Jesus recites part of the book of Job, chapter 19.  Read it from the Bible.  What was Job feeling?  What was Jesus feeling?  When have you felt like this?  What is our hope in times of despair?  

  • Lots of people give and receive hugs in this episode.  Hugs can be comforting.  But why?  What is the power of the hug in each of these instances.

Episode 3


  • The episode opens in 980 BC, when David is king over Israel, shortly after Bathsheba gives birth to the child conceived in their affair.  This scene is recorded in 2 Samuel 12:13-23.  

  • Andrew accompanies Thomas and Ramah because it was typical for a man and woman to require an escort whenever they were “alone,” to help them keep from getting too close and crossing boundaries.  And to ensure purity.

  • God tells Jonah to go to the city of Ninevah to tell the people to repent (change from their evil ways), lest they be destroyed.  Jonah ends up in the belly of a big fish when he refuses.  He hates the people there, and he fears that if they repent, God will have mercy on them.  That’s exactly what happens--they change, and God has mercy.  

    • The book of Jonah is only 4 chapters.  Consider reading it this week. 


  • The conversation between James, John, their mother, and Zebedee is interesting… 

    • With the way they talk about “seeking the Kingdom,” just about anything could be justified.   What do you think it means to seek the Kingdom of God?

    • When have Christians (collectively and individually) justified greed, violence, and more throughout history by saying that they are furthering “The Kingdom”?  When have you? 

    • Research the term “Manifest Destiny” online.

  • What are some ways we worry about others “getting in front of us” with God? 

    • Do you struggle with the idea that God is merciful to people who have not been as faithful as you?  The classic example is a death row inmate believing in Jesus on their deathbed. 

    • Does the idea that bad people or non-believers might get into heaven trouble you?  Why or why not?  Should God be merciful to them?  Or not? 

    • What are the benefits of being a good and faithful Christian? 

  • When Shula points out to Jesus that he would be healing on the Sabbath to Jesus, he says with a grin, “That’ll make this more fun.”  Later, the Pharisees accuse Jesus of creating division with God’s anointed leaders.  Do you think God takes delight in being subversive?

    • When are followers of Jesus called to be peacemakers, and when are we called to stir things up, even if it causes controversy? 

  • A friend asks, “Who sinned?  Josiah or his parents, that he was born blind.”  Jesus responds, “It’s not that this man sinned.  Or his parents.  But that the work of God may be displayed in him.”  Why do bad things happen?  Is it punishment for unrepentant sin? 

  • When asked for another miracle, Jesus says, “That’s not how this works.”  How does it work?  When does God perform miracles?  Is it when the need is great enough?  When injustice is done?  When someone prays enough?  To make a point? 

  • Jesus suggests that those seeking signs and wonders so that they can believe are part of an evil generation who need repentance.  What do you think he means by this?

    • Are we living in an “evil generation”?  What do we (including yourself) need? 

  • Jesus tell the Pharisees:  “Your obsession with what is clean and unclean goes farther than God intended.  And does no good for anybody but yourselves.”

    • When do we go too far with our faith practices? 

    • When does our condemnation of people who violate “God’s law” go too far? 

  • Jesus says, “You tithe mint and dill and cumin, measuring carefully the last speck, while neglecting what is actually important of the law:  justice, and mercy, and faithfulness.”

    • Read Micah 6:6-8.  What does God want from us?  Are we doing it?  Are you doing it?

    • What does it look like when justice, mercy, and faithfulness are lived out?


  • Recall the conversation between David and Bathsheba:  “I asked the Lord God whether he might be gracious to us and let our child live.  My prayer was not answered.”  “Why not?  Why some prayers and not others?”  “I don’t know.  I’ve never known.”  “And still you worship?”  “I do.  Through sorrow, joy, and sorrow again.  This is the meaning of faith.”  “It can’t bring our son back.”  “It can’t.  Sooner or later we’ll both go to that same end.  He will not be returned to us.  We will go to him.  Our separation is just for now . . . That time could be a long time.  It could be tomorrow.  This is the way of all things.”

    • How does this speak to Jesus’ inaction at the end? 

    • If Jesus can heal people, why doesn’t he heal her?  What does this say about God “letting” bad things happen in our lives? 

  • The final scene of the episode is not in the Bible.  Why include it in the show?  What does it reveal about God and how God acts? 

    • Should every story with Jesus end happily ever after?  Or is it significant that it doesn’t?   What does this have to say about the life of faith?

Episode 2


  • The actor who plays Philip has changed this season.  

  • Shiva (meaning “seven”) is the seven-day period of formalized mourning by a family after the burial of a loved one.  It is normal (and even encouraged) to share public signs of grief, instead of hiding it.  It is a Jewish ritual that leads mourners through the first days of intense grief and disorientation back to life and the world of the living.  Others may “sit” shiva with the bereaved, offering accompaniment and compassion so that they aren’t alone in their grief.  This is just the first stage of grief in the Jewish tradition.  

  • As Yussif is dressing, he is reciting scripture from Ecclesiastes.   

  • The organization of rabbis that we witness gathering are the Great Sanhedrin, made up of 70 or 71 rabbis.  They operated as a Jewish law-making body and supreme court.  


  •  While grieving with Jesus, Andrew asks, “Can we be laughing?”  Jesus responds, “Why not?  You know, some of the moments in which we laugh the hardest come around the time of a funeral.  Our hearts are so tender.  All of our emotions are right at the surface.  Laughter and tears are closer than over.”

    • Why do we tell stories and laugh when we are at funerals or gathered with others grieving?

    • Where is the boundary between appropriate and inappropriate humor at this time?  

  • Andrew continues:  “I feel guilty.  I should be in shambles.”  Jesus replies:  “No Andrew.  There is no ‘should’ in grief.  There is no right way to mourn.  You’ve already experienced much grief when John was arrested.”  

    • How do you do grief?  

    • When have you experienced loss and grief, even before someone died?  

  • Jesus tells Thomas, “People seem to think they know why I’m here.  Do you think I’ve come to give peace on earth?  I’ve not come to bring peace, but a sword.  I mean division, you see.  Within households and beyond . . . It is not my intention to divide families.  But the cost of following me can mean that people will be hated by those closest to them because of their unbelief.”

    • When has your faith (or acting on the values of your faith) caused conflict between you and someone close to you?  Why do you think that is?  

  • Jesus states:  “Honoring your parents is one of the highest social and spiritual obligations.  But it is not higher than following God.  Whoever loves father and mother more than me is not worthy of me.”

    • Are these words hard to hear?  Why would Jesus say this?  

  • Jesus asks, “Who do you say that I am?” to which Simon responds, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.  These carved statues of Ba’al and Pan, and other idols we passed, they are dead and decaying, and we worship a living God.  And you, you are His Son.”

    • What does it mean that our God is “living”?  

  • Jesus proclaims, “Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah.  For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in Heaven.  All your life you’ve been called Simon, ‘one who hears.’  But today, I call you Peter.  Rock.  It is on this rock that I will build my church, and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.”

    • Knowing what you know of Simon, what think this means to him?

    • What weight comes with this?  How do you see Peter struggling with that weight?  

    • When have you struggled with the weight of God’s calling to you?  

  • “This is a place of death.  And I brought you here to tell you that death has no power to hold my redeemed people captive.  Because I live, you will also live.  I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.  And whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven.  And whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven.  You have the authority to declare the truth to others of what I am declaring to you, that the repentant have a place in heaven.”

    • Binding and loosing the Law was traditionally something a rabbi would do.  Because there couldn’t possibly be a law for every situation, it was their job to decide if a law applied (bind it) or didn’t apply (loose it) to someone’s situation.  

    • What does Jesus mean by giving “the Keys to the Kingdom”?  

  • When asked why the disciples shouldn’t tell people Jesus was the Messiah, he said, “For some places and some people, it is important that they know and believe.  But right now, if all our people of this region hear that the Messiah has come, they will rise up in multitudes preparing to join a military figure in a war against Rome.  I want people to follow me based on my true identity . . . Not based on their misguided understanding of a title I hold.”

    • What misunderstandings do we still have of the titles Jesus holds?  What does it mean to you that Jesus is Lord, Savior, Messiah, Good Shepherd, Redeemer, Son of God? 

    • Do you follow Jesus because of his titles, or because of his true identity?  
         What is it about his identity that leads you to follow?  

  • Jesus spoke of John the Baptist:  “John was fearless of evil, and obedient everywhere.  And so must you be, even at the gates of hell.”

    • When have you felt like you were at the gates of hell?  How did you act?  

  • Jesus tells Matthew, “You don’t apologize to be forgiven.  You apologize to repent.  Forgiveness is a gift given from the other person.”  

    • What’s the difference?  And what does repentance mean?  

    • How does this shift your understanding of why we confess our sins?  

  • As Matthew is talking about how he might have harmed Simon Peter, Jesus interrupts him and says, “No.  Not in abstract.  In fact.”  

    • When have you chosen to confess in the abstract and with generalities, instead of specifics?  Why would that have been easier?  

    • What difference does it make to be specific?  

    • When do you have the opportunity to be specific with your confession of sin?  

  • Matthew is afraid of talking to Peter, saying, “Apologizing would only cause an argument.”  Jesus responds, “There is no peace when two of my followers hold resentment to one another.”

    • When has silence over sin impacted a relationship you were in?  How did it hurt both the offender and the offended?  

  • What do you think about Peter’s struggle to forgive Matthew?  Should he have forgiven him right away?  Why or why not?  

    • What wrongs have been hardest to forgive in your life?  Why?  

  • Jesus tells Peter, “You know I don’t mean 77 times.  Seventy times seven.  Completion times completion.  Endless forgiveness without limits.”

    • Is Jesus suggesting we let people wound us over and over without consequence or boundaries?  Especially if they say they are sorry?  Does forgiving equal accepting wrongs?

  • Matthew tells Gaias:  “Every morning I wake up my ideas and fears are jumbled.  I feel overwhelmed with doubt and regret.  But if I just pause for a moment and remember I only have one thing to do today--to follow him--the rest just takes care of itself.”

    • What is the wisdom of this statement?  Is it just ignorance is bliss?  Or a trust that God will lead us where we need to be and be there with the tools to handle whatever it is? 

Episode 1


  • The episode opens with a flashback to the time when Mary, pregnant with Jesus, is arriving at home of Zechariah and Elizabeth, who is pregnant with John the Baptist. 

  • Because we traditionally think of Jesus being born in 0 A.D., the timing seems off.  However, the Gregorian calendar we use today was created in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII, and scholars have determined that it is off by three years, so Jesus would have been born in 3 B.C.

  • The dancer is Salome, the daughter of Herodias, wife of King Herod.  Herodias dislikes John the Baptist for his criticism of the marriage between Herod and her, who was once the wife of Herod’s brother Phillip.  This story is found in Mark 6:17-29. 

  • Herod Antipas is the 1st-century Roman ruler of Galilee and Perea. He is referred to as both "Herod the Tetrarch" and "King Herod.”  He is the son of Herod the Great, who met with the Wise Men and had all the babies killed at the time of Jesus for fear of the Messiah. 

  • The episode moves to Ramah and Tamar, along with Zechariah and his sons James and John.

  • We also witness Joanna, who has taken and interest in Jesus and John the Baptist. 
    She is a rich woman who is the court of Herod, and is talking with her husband.  

  • Doing laundry is Judas Iscariot and Simon the Zealot. 

  • James, John, and Zebedee meet with the synagogue administrator Jairus (whose daughter was healed) and Rabbi Yusef (who is coming around to Jesus). 

  • After Salome’s dancing, we see a series of flashbacks to John the Baptist as a baby. 



  • Consider familiarizing yourself with the story of Elizabeth, Zechariah, Mary, and the birth of John the Baptist by reading Luke 1:5-25, 39-45, 67-80. 

  • When Simon the Zealot and Judas wash clothes, Judas suggests paying someone to do it so they can focus on more lofty things.  Simon responds, “This is what the people we talk to do.  Laundry.  If we appear too lofty or important for daily tasks, we will be no longer relatable.”  What difference does this make, really?  How does it convey God’s love and nearness? 

    • How does Jesus’ and his disciples’ willingness to engage in normal and laborious work make them different than other self-help gurus and evangelists?

    • What do you feel makes a witness to the Gospel relatable?  What makes God relatable? 

    • How do you witness to God’s love and nearness through daily tasks?

  • Simon the Zealot says, “There is a lesson in everything Jesus shares.  And asks.”
    What lessons and questions of Jesus have meant the most to you? 

  • Simon the Zealot says, “You have dedicated your life to a teacher,” to which Judas responds, “He walks and water and commands the wind and the waves.  But, sure, he’s a teacher.”  What is Judas missing when he focuses only on the miracles? 

  • Judas wants to move fast.  What is his goal?  How is it similar or different to Jesus’ goal?

  • John is beheaded for speaking truth.  What is the cost for speaking truth in our world today? 

    • Do a little research on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who wrote “The Cost of Discipleship.”  What did he do and what was the cost?  What does he say is the difference between “cheap grace” and “costly grace”?

  • As he’s about to be killed, John the Baptist says that he is on his way to a wedding banquet.  What is he referring to?  Why use that metaphor? 

  • Why does Zechariah get his voice back when he confirms John’s name? 

    • John (Johanan) in Hebrew means “YHWH has been gracious.” 

    • Does this give any perspective to John the Baptist’s last moments? 

  • Zechariah’s prayer of thanksgiving when John was born (often referred to as the Benedictus) is written in Luke 1:67-79.  What is the significance to this prayer?  Why have Christians found hope and meaning in this prayer? 

    • Part of the prayer goes: “We, being delivered from the hands of our enemies, might serve God without fear in holiness and righteousness before God all our days . . . The sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace.”

    • How has God delivered you from “enemies” in the past?

    • What fears do you still live with?  What might help you put aside those fears? 

    • Zechariah anticipates good things from God.  Does the fact that his son is beheaded at a young age mean he was wrong?  Where is your hope? 

  • When the disciples hear of John the Baptist’s death, Andrew says, “We should have been prepared.”  Another disciple says, “We were.  John came to prepare the way.  And he did.  He’s not the Messiah.  But John came to bear witness that he would be here soon.” 

    • How has God prepared you for the tough parts of life, including the death of loved ones?

SEASON 3 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION  (listed in reverse order)

Episode 8


  • The episode opens in 990 BC with King David, who is considered the greatest king of Israel and Judah.  David wrote many of the psalms, but some are written by others, such as Asaph.  Read Psalm 77 (the one shared here) in the Bible. 

  • The people confronting each other in the wilderness are from the Decapolis (the semi-Greek cluster of cities to the north).  The are:

    • Syrophoenicians - people from north of Israel and Judah, a mixed group of people who are monotheistic (they have one God), but don’t get along with the Jewish people

    • Nabataeans - an Arab tribe of this time who come from Jordan and the Arabian Peninsula

    • Jews who live in the Decapolis - who have adopted some Greek ways and might not be as observant and orthodox as those in Judah

  • The mikvah (or mikveh) is a ritual bath.  The bather is immersed in “living” water (a bath fed by a spring or rainwater) for ritual cleansing and purification at a time of transition.  The following prayer is said, “Blessed are You, O Lord, our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with Your commandments and commanded us concerning the immersion.”  People may stay in the bath for prayer and meditation.  The mikvah involves some of the same symbolism of cleansing, renewal, and new life found in Christian baptism.



  • Jesus says, “I'm a rabbi and as these Jewish brothers will tell you, we like to teach by asking questions.  We all like to solve problems by talking.  If it begins with a disagreement, even better.  Feel free to listen.  And if you'd like to argue a bit, that's fine, too.”

    • Can arguments and disagreements really lead to closer relationships and growth?

    • How does asking questions, listening, and talking help us avoid combat with our conflict?

  • Judas thinks it makes Jesus and the disciples look weak when they sit down.  What do you think making them sit down accomplishes? 

    • Why does everyone else sit down after Jesus heals the man with the broken leg?

  • Jesus says, “My friends, you forget so quickly. You are dear to me. Your memories are short.”

    • What have we collectively forgotten in our world?  In our nation?  In the church?  At Hosanna?

  • “If you had faith the size of a grain of mustard seed, you could say to a mulberry tree, be uprooted and planted in the sea. And it would obey you . . . It's not about size, Philip. It's about who your faith is in.”

    • Then why do we question whether we have enough faith?

    • What difference does it make who our faith is in? 

    • Who (or what) have you wrongly put your trust or faith into? 

  • Zebedee, his wife, and Mary go and talk to Eden.  How do you think they are at being supportive and compassionate?  Do they come off as judgmental?  Caring?  Intrusive? 

    • What would you have done similar?  What would you have done different?

  • Mary tells Eden, “I don’t know what it’s like to go through what you have. But I have been through enough to know that you need to grieve.” 

    • Can we really be compassionate if we haven’t gone through the same experience?  Why or why not? 

  • Mary also says, “Then go to synagogue.  It’s not about the rabbi there, it’s the words from God that they can give us.” 

    • What are the implications for you attending worship and being part of the church’s ministry? 

  • Why is Shmuel so concerned with tassels and what the Jewish informer is wearing?

    • Isn’t it funny how quick the man is to condemn Jesus, when he has broken Jewish law himself (and puts the offending vest back on when he leaves)?

    • Read Leviticus 19:19.  Do we follow this law about cloth woven of different fibers today?

    • What do we think about other Levitical laws?  Read Leviticus 18:22, 19:27-28, and 19:33-34.  Which ones do we swear are Gospel truth, and which do we chalk up as being “outdated and contextual” as the informer thinks the clothing law is? 

    • If we don’t take every law literally and dead serious like Shmuel does (he doesn’t exactly come off good here), how do we discern God’s will?  

  • When the disciples confront Jesus about the impossibility of feeding the people, he is awfully coy.  Who offers the breakthrough by his gratitude and offering?  (Hint:  It’s not one of the disciples.)

  • Jesus says, “I was the one to cause their hunger.  I should be the one to satisfy it.”  What do you think about this statement?  What hungers does God give us?  How does he satisfy them?

  • When meeting with Rabbi Yussef, Zebedee’s wife suggests some scripture be read for Eden, “maybe something joyful.”  He replies, “I’m not sure that would be truthful . . . There are many psalms of anguish and anger.  And they are all just as important as the others.”
    How does the psalm he recites (Psalm 77, from the beginning of the episode) seem more appropriate and helpful to Eden? 

    • How does naming pain and anger diminish it?  

  • What is the storm symbolic of when the disciples get stuck out in the boat on the sea?

    • One of them says, “We’ve been stuck in the same place forever.” 

    • Have you ever been stuck, and feeling like you’re taking on water

  • Simon calls to Jesus:  “If you are who you say you are, bid me to step out of this boat.”

    • Why does Simon need this?  Is it just a miracle he needs, or something different?

  • Simon asks, “Why are you chasing after Gentiles when your own people have problems here? . . . I’m right here in front of you, believing, and you are breaking up fights in the Decapolis?!?”

    • Can you relate to Simon’s feelings? 

    • Should the church be taking care of other people when we struggle to care for our own?  Why give to others and serve when we have our own struggles? 

  • Jesus says, “Why do you think I allow trials? . . . They prove the genuineness of your faith.  They strengthen you.  This is strengthening you.  And Eden.  Keep your eyes on me.  I let people go hungry, but I feed them.”

    • It’s important to distinguish between trials and tests.  God does not “test” to see if our faith is strong enough (recall how earlier he told Philip that the size of faith isn’t important).  God also doesn’t send trials (tough times), but God does utilize trials that come on their own for growth and strength.  God redeems our suffering, giving us new life.

    • Consider the trials you’ve been through that have led to strength and growth.

  • What happens when Simon gets distracted by the waves? 

    • When have the waves been overwhelming in your life that you lose sight? 

    • Notice that when Simon gets overwhelmed and begins to drown, it’s not him looking back at the right place that saves him.  It’s God reaching out to him that saves him. 

  • For reference, the last scene combines two separate Biblical stories:  Jesus walking on the water (Matthew 14:22-33) and Jesus calming on the storm (Mark 4:35-41).  Read each one.

Episode 7


  • The episode opens with people celebrating the Festival of Purim.  It is celebrated every year in the early spring (it was early March in 2023).  It commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian empire from a plot to exterminate the Jewish people in a single day.  It is called “Purim,” which means “lots” in Persian, because the instigator Haman threw lots to determine when to carry out his plan.  He is thwarted by God working through Esther--this story is the topic of the Book of Esther.  During Purim, people tell the story in creative ways and celebrate the gift of life with joyous exchanges and celebrations.  Learn more about the full story and celebration at, or read the book of Esther in the Bible.

  • Jewish prayer tassels are brought up in the episode.  They are called tzitzit.  They are strings tied to each of the four corners of a prayer shawl. It is commanded in Numbers 37: “Instruct them to make for themselves fringes on the corners of their garments . . . Look at it and recall all the commandments of the LORD and observe them, so that you do not follow your heart and eyes in your lustful urge. Thus you shall be reminded to observe all My commandments and to be holy to your God.”



  • What do you think about Judas (of all people) making packages of food for the homeless?  Serving the homeless is not something new to us, is it? 

  • Andrew says, “Sometimes people respond better to stories better than teaching.”

    • Why do we relate better to stories and parables than explanations and lectures? 

    • How much of the Bible is made up of stories, and how much of it is lectures? 

    • How can we tell the stories of faith in our day? 

  • The “story of the banquet,” Andrew and Philip told is recorded in Matthew 22:1-14. 

  • Matthew mentions that he’s been studying the genealogy of Jesus, including the fact that there are quite a few gentiles, such as the prostitute Rahab and the Moabite woman Ruth. 

    • Read Matthew 1:1-17.  Who else stands out to you? 

  • The flashback to Matthew’s past with the guy (also Matthew) who buys up his family’s debt is a fun one.  Why is that? 

    • He mentions that he is “ready to meet his maker...again.” 
      What does it take to have that kind of mentality?  Can you be faithful without it? 

    • He says, “These are the most valuable things I own . . . more valuable than gold, more precious than rubies . . .”  Mary later explains to Matthew:  “It wasn’t about the tassels.   They’re just a symbol.  That man wanted you to have his faith.  That was the last thing he had.  His most valuable thing in life.”  Why is faith so valuable to you?  How does it benefit you? 

  • When talking to Matthew, Mary says, “Our lives are often painful, yes?  So we think is full of scarcity and not abundance.  But then there are those times when out of nowhere the world expresses it’s longing to be whole.  And suddenly God steps in.  And we are pulled out of our blindness and invited into redemption.”

    • When have you focused on what you don’t have, rather than what you do have?

    • What pulled you out of your blindness? 

  • Simon explains the phrase shalom shalom: “Once means peace.  Twice means perfect peace.  Complete wholeness.”  When have you experienced shalom shalom? 

  • When healing the deaf and mute man, Jesus says, “Ephatha, be opened” (Mark 7:31-37). 

    • When has God opened you up? 

    • What do you think of the man’s reactions to the birds (which no one else hears), he’s son’s
        voice, and his own voice?

  • One of the Jews says, “Your deafness was no doubt punishment for some ghastly sin by you or your parents.”  Jesus replies, “It doesn’t work that way.”

    • How does it work?  Does God punish people for sin?  What is God’s response to sin (look to Jesus' response as you consider your answer).    

  • The people who come from the Decapolis to see Jesus are:

    • Syrophoenicians - people from north of Israel and Judah, a mixed group of people who are monotheistic (they have one God), but don’t get along with the Jewish people

    • Nabataeans - an Arab tribe of this time who come from Jordan and the Arabian Peninsula

    • Jews who live in the Decapolis - who have adopted some Greek ways and might not be as observant and orthodox as those in Judah

  • Suddenly Simon is doubting everything.  Why now?  Why does suffering cause us to doubt what has been clear as day previously? 

    • “I trusted Jesus . . . I trusted that Eden would be okay.  Safe while we were gone . . . I’m furious, John.  I’m so angry.  Look, he is who he says he is.  I don’t believe it.  I know it.  He is the first and the last.  He can do anything.  How could he let something like this happen to Eden, happen to me?!?”

    • Why is our suffering even harder and more painful believing in God, than having no faith at all?  Is it because of everything we give up?  Because God doesn’t work the way we want?  Or something else?


Episode 6


  • The episode opens with Pontius Pilate’s wife dreaming.

  • The Decapolis is a cluster of 10 Roman cities around the border of Rome’s direct control (where you could be considered a Roman citizen) and their occupied territories (like Israel and Judah).  This is the city Andrew and Philip had gone to on their missionary journey, and that is referenced by Leander and John the Baptist’s disciples.


  • The scene when the disciples are sharpening all kinds of pointy objects is striking. 

    • Who or what are they afraid of?  Didn’t Jesus teach them to turn the other cheek? 

  • Gaius is clearly conflicted by Quintas’ attitude and his duties.  How does he resolve that conflict? 

  • Leander says that Philip and Andrew’s preaching has set the Decapolis on fire, causing political upheaval.  Why would preaching the Gospel, teaching that Jesus is the Messiah, and healing people impact politics? 

    • Should religion and politics be connected?  Separate?  Where’s the line? 

  • At the end of the conversation between Mary and Tamar, Mary says, “I judged your strength against my weakness.  Pitied myself.”  Why do we dislike people who seem stronger, richer, or “better” than we are? 

    • How does listening to Tamar’s story change Mary’s attitude? 

    • How can we listen and learn better in our world today?

  • What do you make of Pontius Pilate in The Chosen?  Are you surprised by how young he is? 

  • When Simon tells the other Zealots about the Messiah bringing the Kingdom of Heaven, they point to a Roman soldier (Gaius), and they imply that if the Romans are still around, the Kingdom of Heaven isn’t there yet. 

    • Shortly after, John the Baptist’s disciples asks, “We have heard our former comrades Andrew and Philip have gone to the Decapolis.  Is that where you are planning to launch the revolution to overthrow Rome?”  Jesus: “I have something in mind for the Decapolis, and it will be revolutionary, but probably not in the way that you are thinking.”

    • Many people thought the Messiah would force out the Romans and reestablish Judah.

    • If the Messiah isn’t there to do that, what IS the Kingdom of Heaven?  For a clue, pay attention to what the Roman soldier (Gaius) is doing when they point to him. 

  • John the Baptist’s disciples wonder why, if Jesus is proclaiming release to prisoners, is John still in prison, holding back his ministry.  Why doesn’t God to more to support those who support God?  Why isn’t the church today flourishing with lots of people and resources?

  • Jesus says, “Proclaiming liberty to the captives can mean more than just freeing inmates.  There are many kinds of captivities that keep people.”  What does he mean?

    • What holds you captive?  (If your answer is “sin,” be specific of what specific sin.)

  • Jesus says, “Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the mute speak, and the poor have the Good News preached to them.  Blessed is the one who is not offended by me.”

    • How does this answer John’s question about whether Jesus is the Messiah?  How is it related to the earlier question about the Kingdom of Heaven? 

  • During his explanation to the crowd, Jesus seems kind of angry, especially when he looks at the rabbi questioning him.  Why do you think that is?  What is frustrating to him? 

  • Many of Jesus’ words in this episode come directly from Matthew 11.  Consider reading it again directly from the Bible.  What is Jesus preaching against?  What is he preaching for (see verses 28-30)? 

  • When Jesus talks about “wisdom,” he’s borrowing from Proverbs 8-9.  Read those two chapters.  Some have theorized this is an early reference to the Holy Spirit.  Who or what do you think is “Wisdom” or “Lady Wisdom”? 

  • Jesus asks Shula, “Are you afraid to ask for healing?”  “Yes.”  “Do you believe I can heal you?”  “Yes.  Of course!”  “Then why haven’t you asked?”  “You have so much to do, Rabbi.  So many people need you more. . . You redeemed my friend.  Mary’s miracle was so clear to me, I didn’t need sight.”  “I know.  You see better than most people in this region.”

    • Do we downplay our own hurts because “others have it worse”?  Should we? 

    • After being healed, what is Shula afraid to see? 

  • Why didn’t Barnaby want to be healed right away?  Why want this to be all about Shula?

  • When Simon asks why Eden didn’t tell him about losing a baby, she says, “I didn’t want you to regret your choice, because what could be more important than [serving the Messiah?]  I thought that I could just keep it to myself. But I didn’t know the hurt would go on so long.”

    • Does serving God take precedence over taking care of ourselves and our loved ones?  Read Matthew 10:37-39 and Matthew 19:27-30.  How does following Jesus multiply relationships?

    • Why did Eden think she could keep her loss to herself?  What happens when think can carry it alone?  Do we ever benefit keeping things to ourselves?  When have you kept loss to yourself, only to make that hurt go on longer than expected? 

Episode 5


  • Introductory warning...  This episode begins with loss.  Simply be aware that it could be triggering for some people.  If it is for you, it’s okay to take some time after the scene to process those emotions.  The female character at the center of the scene is Eden. 

  • Some of the characters are wearing different clothes in this episode, and it switches scenes quickly.  If it’s helpful, here are the characters we see in the following scenes:

    • Simon and Eden, in their home

    • James and John, their father Zebedee, and their mother, in their home

    • Nathaniel and Thaddeus, on the road carrying water

    • Zebedee (father of James and John), Mary, Tamar, and Judas, in the olive grove

    • Simon and Gaias, at a well/cistern

    • Jairus and Yussif (who we now know is Joseph of Arimathea)

    • Jesus, Eden, Andrew, Matthew, Philip, Little John, sitting around a table at Eden’s house

    • Others begin to arrive and the stories begin to overlap, but it gets easier to identify people...

  • When someone died, it was customary to pay people to weep and play the flute.  It was a way of showing how important the person was, and what a loss their death is.  The more you could afford, the more mourners, and thus, the bigger impact of their death.

  • As we learned in Episode 4, Jewish law dictated that if someone touched a bleeding person (especially a bleeding woman) or a corpse, that person would become unclean until sundown, and must carry out certain washing rituals to cleanse themselves.  This is one reason why many people passed by the injured man in the Parable of the Good Samaritan.


  • Zebedee (the father James and John) sells his boat so that he can buy and olive grove and start making oil. 

    • Why does he do this now?  What emotions do you witness happening in him?  Is this just a mid-life crisis, or is this something different? 

  • What do you think about Simon and Gaius working together? 

    • What do they share in common?  How does that compare to their differences? 

  • Did you imagine Gaius having a son?  A family?  Being a good guy?  Why not? 

    • There are several types of “bad guy” in the Bible.  Is this really fair for us to judge them in this way, or were they more complicated characters like us? 

    • What does that change about how we read the Biblical stories? 

  • Why didn’t Simon take the time to ask Eden what is wrong?  Why didn’t she just tell him? 

    • How often do we all hold things in, or avoid the elephant in the room because it’s hard or because we’re too busy? 

  • Jairus tells Yussef the he doesn’t have time for pity.  What do we need when we’re hurting or desperate?  Pity or compassion? 

    • Which do we usually give?

  • Jesus’ face when the disciples don’t get his new wine in old wineskin metaphor is priceless.  Andrew says, “I will be the first to admit that I don’t get it”  How often do you struggle to really understand the things Jesus says and does?  How do we find help “getting it?” 

    • Simon later tells Gaius: “We [Jews] love riddles.  We call those ones metaphors.”  Why does God use metaphor so much?

  • Simon objects to Gaius, “We have parties, too.”  Gaius responds, “From the look of it, they aren’t as fun as ours.”  Simon: “It depends on your definition . . . Another thing we have is prophesies.” 

    • Then Simon quotes Jeremiah:  “My people have committed two evils.  They have forsaken me, the Fountain of Living Waters.  And hewed out cisterns for themselves--broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” - Jeremiah 2:14

    • Gaias responds, : “It sounds like you’ve forsaken your god.”  How have we forsaken God?  (not the “godless” people not in church, or “those sinners,” but us, the faithful) 

  • What happens when Veronica touches Jesus?

    • How would you have responded to Jesus’ questioning if you were her? 

  • Jesus talks with Veronica:  “My daughter...  “I’m no one’s daughter anymore.”  “Look up.  Yes you are.  Daughter.  It wasn’t my piece of clothing that healed you . . . It was your faith.”

    • What do you think about Jesus tearing up in this part?

    • What does it mean for our faith to make us well?  What can faith do or not do for us? 

    • Why is faith so deeply important to Jesus?

  • Jesus says to Veronica, “You have blessed me today.  And I know, my daughter, I know it has been a fight for you for so long.  You must be exhausted.  Go now in peace.  Your faith has made you well.  I wish I could stay longer, but I have business to attend to.  Someone else has faith like yours.  I am so glad that we found each other.”  How did she bless Jesus?

    • Can you imagine Jesus looking into your eyes and thanking you for trusting in Him? (Read Hebrews 11:6)

  • Jesus:  “Do not be afraid.  Only believe.  She will be well.”

    • Why is it so difficult to believe and trust Jesus?  What are we used to expecting?  Why? 

    • What should we be able to expect?

  • Why are the disciples dumbfounded by what happens raising Jairus’ daughter? 

    • Are you still ever surprised by what God does in your life? 

  • Jesus says, “It is not yet time for the commotion that will result.  Some of it won’t be good.  And you don’t need that.”

    • None of them are to tell anyone what happened (not even to the others).  Why not?

  • As the episode ends, Eden is watching the disciples play in the water. How does it make you feel when you see others celebrating when you yourself cannot?

Episode 4


  • This episode is labeled as Part 1 of 2.  Although the story will continue and deepen in the second part in episode 5, it is self-contained.  We’ll be fine watching and discussing them separately. 

  • When the episode opens in black and white, and you can’t hear their talking very well, know that it’s not your TV/computer.  That’s just the cinematic effect they chose for this part. 



  • When you see the disciples pulling something out of their bag, touching people (or in Matthew’s case, flinging it at them), that is anointing oil.  Read James 5:13-16.

    • What difference does anointing with oil make? 

    • What difference do your prayers make? 

    • Who are the “elders of the church” entrusted with this ministry?  Are you? 

  • What are your first impressions of the disciples preaching and healing? 

    • What does it stir in you? 

    • What do you make of their own reactions to what they do? 

    • What do you make of other peoples’ reactions to the disciples? 

  • The Rabbi drones on while reading scripture about discharge, dead bodies, and ritual cleansing.  Does worship ever feel this way to you?  Why or why not? 

    • What might be the cure to church droning? 

    • What do you bring to worship that leads you to zone out or contribute to the spirit of worship?

  • Note the tone of the conversation between the people and the Roman officials about the cistern.  This is pretty typical for the time (and maybe ours, too). 

    • Why are both so loathe to take responsibility?  Why do we have civic relationships like this in our world? 

    • When something we depend on “breaks,” we feel powerless. What has left you feeling powerless or at your wit’s end lately?

  • What are your first impressions of Veronica?

    • “Veronica” doesn’t actually appear in the Bible, but she is mentioned in Christian tradition and lore.  Do you know what for?  Do you know where that lore comes from?

  • The women discuss how to support the ministry, as does Zebedee.  Ministry costs money.

    • Why do our finances cause such stress? Why does it cause joy for Zebedee? 

    • What must be sacrificed at times for ministry?  What can be joyfully given? 

  • When they get back together, the disciples discuss their experience:  “He didn’t give us power.  He worked through us.”  “By using us as vessels, Jesus gave us power, but no understanding.”  “I also struggled to understand.”  “We healed, but we still felt overwhelmed.” “But did he require understanding?”

    • When have you felt like God was calling you to do something, but you didn’t understand what you were supposed to do or how you were supposed to do it?  How did it turn out?

    • What can help you trust God to provide in future times like this? 

  • Little John said, “When I was preaching, I could feel him, giving me the words.”
    James replied, “I said things that I don’t comprehend or live by. I felt like a fraud.”

    • Which of these sentiments do you feel most often?  Why? 

    • Can you understand the other sentiment? 

  • Big John said, “I felt powerful, like I could do anything,” to which Philip replied, “Yes, John, but isn’t that dangerous?  If that is the feeling we hold onto?” 

    • How can our feelings of self-importance distract or disrupt us?  Can feeling like God is “on our side” lead us to use our power to hurt others?  Can you give an example? 

  • Andrew asks Eden (his sister-in-law): “Are you alright?”  She replies, “I’m fine.”

    • How often do we answer people’s questions with, “I’m fine,” when we’re really not?

    • How often does the other person want the true answer (did Andrew)?  How often are we afraid to give the true answer? 

  • What do you make of the standoff between Eden and Simon? 

    • Simon lashes out at Jesus, “So this is what it’s going to be like now?”  How does the tension in your relationships sometimes spill over and impact others?  Or vice versa? 

    • It’s clearly difficult for Simon and Eden to just stop their discussion when everyone shows up.  How hard is it for you when you are going through something and suddenly have to stuff it all down and be “fine.” 

  • When Eden and Veronica are talking about how she’s been hemorrhaging for 12 years, she says it makes her weak, that she is unmarried, and “un-everything.”  How would you feel in her position? 

    • Eden asks, “So what do you do with no hope?”  She replies, “I haven’t lost all hope. There’s no cure by doctors. But there might be something I haven’t done yet.” 

    • What is hope?  How is it different than optimism? 

    • What causes us to lose hope?  What gives us hope? 

  • Simon tells Gaius he’s never seen him without a sword.  Gaius tells Simon he’s never seen him without his exasperating teacher.  We find out that Gaius’ grandfather was a sailor, who taught him sailing knots.  And Simon seems “like the sort of man that needs to be doing something with his hands.”

    • Are Romans regular people, too?  Aren’t they the bad guys in the Bible? 

    • Are disciples (or pastors, or Christians) regular people, too?  Can they be complex, and not always saintly? 

  • Gaius says, “You Jews.  Your rules make your lives very complicated.”  Simon replies, “Us Jews . . . Well, Jesus will undo some of that.  He reminds us what we live for.”  Gaius continues, “Well, they say he performs miracles, or the appearance of miracles.  Why doesn’t he just miraculously fix this cistern?”

    • Why doesn’t Jesus just miraculously fix the stuff in our lives that we are powerless over? 

    • Are they really powerless?  How is God working to get the cistern fixed in spite of civic difference?  How is God working in your life when you feel powerless? 

    • What do our rituals and our God remind us that we’re living for?  How does that change how we live?

  • The episode ends with some questions up in the air.  What do you think will happen with:

    • Veronica?

    • Jairus’ daughter?

    • The cistern?

    • If your answer is “because the Bible says...” think about why you come to expect things to work out in the end.  Read Romans 8:18-30. 

Episode 3


  • The episode opens with people playing with kids.  It is a flashback to the past, of a young Jesus with his parents Mary and Joseph. 

  • The next scene has arriving back home in Nazareth, where he grew up and his mother lives. 

  • It is Rosh Hashanah, which in Hebrew means “head of year.”  It is the Jewish new year. 
    This holiday happens in late summer/early autumn, and begins a ten-day period of penitence culminating in Yom Kippur. 

    • The shofar (a hollowed-out ram's horn) is blown throughout the day as a wake-up call for Jews to mend their ways and repent.

    • People would eat sweet foods like sweet bread and apples dipped in honey, hoping to evoke a sweet new year.

  • At the festival (15:00 in), we meet Rafi and Dinah again, who were the ones getting married when Jesus turned water into wine. 

  • We also meet Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha. 

  • Later in the episode, there is another flashback to a time when Jesus is young, with his earthly father Joseph.  The passage Jesus is learning to read is from Isaiah 61. 

  • The name “Jesus bar Joseph” means “Jesus son of Joseph” in Hebrew. 

  • When Jesus reads the scripture, he wears to prayer shawl and uses a pointer to follow the text, as was Jewish custom when reading in worship. 


  • In their conversation, Jesus makes reference to James and Jude.  These were his younger brothers (Matt. 12:46, Mark 3:31, Luke 8:19, John 7:5).  Paul refers to “James, the Lord’s brother” in Galatians 1:18-19.  There is also speculation that the author of the epistle of Jude, who identifies himself as the "brother of James,” is another sibling of Jesus.

    • What do you think about the idea that Jesus had siblings?  What do you think their relationship would have been like?

    • Why might it be difficult for them now to be around him and the attention he’s getting? 

  • It is clear that Joseph has died.  While the Bible doesn’t actually say that, he’s never again present after the episode with Jesus lost in the temple at 12 years old. 

    • What difference does it make to consider that Jesus lost his earthly father at a young age?

    • What do you think Jesus (and therefore God) understands about death and loss? 

  • Jesus talks several times in the episode that his “time is coming.”  What do you think he means by that? 

  • Mary seems to know exactly what’s happening when Jesus asks for “the box” and that he won’t be coming back. 

    • How much do you think Mary knew?  Did she know that Jesus was the Messiah? 

    • How does this compare with your experience of the Christmas song, “Mary, did you know?”

    • What do you think it was like for her? 

  • What do you make of Jesus’ relationship with Lazarus?  His other childhood friends? 

    • What do you think of him playing a game?  Does that sound like the Messiah you know?  Why or why not? 

    • How much do you think Jesus (and therefore God) understands about play?  Friendship? Childhood?  Being as “once awkward teenager” (as he describes himself)? 

  • Jesus reads from Isaiah 61:1-2:  The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me; he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor.” 

    • They note that he omits Verses 2b-4: “and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn; to provide for those who mourn in Zion—to give them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit. They will be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, to display his glory. They shall build up the ancient ruins, they shall raise up the former devastations; they shall repair the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations.” 

    • What do you think these words meant to the people headed into exile in Isaiah’s day?

    • What do you think they meant to the people in Jesus’ day?

    • What do you think they mean to us today? 

  • Jesus references two stories of prophets performing miracles for outsiders, while not doing so for the people of Israel:

    • Elijah visits the Widow of Zarapheth, and provides unending food - 1 Kings 17:8-16

    • Elisha heals Naaman, a general in the enemy army, of leprosy - 2 Kings 5:1-19

  • When Jesus talking about the year of Jubilee, he is referring the Jewish tradition of a Jubilee year.  It is every 50th year, when Hebrew slaves and prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven, and the mercies of God would be particularly manifest. 

    • What do you think Jesus means that he is here to proclaim the release of “spiritual debt”? 

  • Jesus says, “If you do not realize that you need a year of the Lord’s favor, then I cannot save you.”

    • What do you think Jesus means by this? 

    • Is God’s power limited?  In other words, is there anything God cannot do? Does that influence how we understand this line? 

  • The rabbi asks, “Who do you think you are?”  Jesus responds, “I AM the Law of Moses”

    • Where else have you heard God/Jesus say “I am”?  Do a little research on Jesus’ “I am” statements, especially in the Gospel of John.  How is this a loaded statement? 

  • The punishment for claiming to prophesy falsely is stoning, being hurled off cliff. 

    • Why do they let him go? 

    • What is the significance of him calling them each by name before they do?

    • How does this “close” encounter with Jesus impact him? 

  • Is Jesus in control of his destiny or not?  Or is it some hybrid? 

    • What difference does it make? 

Episode 2


  • The episode opens on the outskirts of Capernaum, a small city (of about 1,500) on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee.  This is the city where Matthew, Simon, Andrew, James, and John are from.  Jesus performed several miracles there.  

  • Recall that Simon the Zealot (sometimes called “Z” in this episode) got that name because he was once part of a group of religious revolutionaries called the Zealots.  Their intent was to purge Israel and Judah of the Romans.


  • In the conversation with his father, Matthew talks about how much he loved affluence, being separated from people by bars and a booth, and having an armed escort.  

    • Comfort is not inherently a bad thing, but we can use it to wall off the world.  

    • What comforts do you enjoy?  Which ones wall you off from others, or keep you from following God’s will?  

  • Matthew’s father also asks for forgiveness, for saying things he never should have.  

    • A wise pastor once said, “Conflict is inevitable, combat is optional.”  What does this mean for human relationships?

    • How does Matthew’s confession open door for his father’s confession and their reconciliation?  When both parties have done wrong, how hard is it to ask forgiveness first?  Can you be that person in your relationships?

    • Matthew’s mother insists his father should say that he forgives him.  He assumes he had (he hadn’t).  How important is it to say those words out loud?  

  • What do you think about Simon flirting with his wife?  Is it “appropriate” for a Bible figure?

    • How does this humanizing of Simon Peter change your perception of him?  

  • Eden recalls Jesus telling her that he sees her, and that she has a role to play in all of this.  She tells Simon that it gets her through most days.  How does God seeing you get you through the day?  What difference does it make?  

    • Eden does confess that sometimes she can’t remember what Jesus’ face looks like.  How is that struggle similar to our own?  What difference does it make?  How do we cope?  

  • Jesus says, there are many people, “in need of rescue, and you are going to help me rescue them...  It is not sustainable for me to do all of the preaching, all the healing, and ministering...  And there will be many more followers, and like those not here, all will have roles and responsibilities.”

    • What are your roles and your responsibilities in helping Jesus with his ministry?  

  • To the gathered apostles, Jesus says, “You will proclaim that the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.  And while you are on this mission, you will heal the sick and the lame, by anointing them with oil.  You will cast out demons, and . . . What?  Why are you all looking at me like that?”

    • Is that how you imagined this conversation went?  Why or why not?  What does this depiction make you think about it now?  

    • How do you see yourself in some of their responses?

  • When the apostles share their apprehension, Jesus says, “Don’t fear those who kill the body, but those who can kill the soul...  There will come a time when this will get far more difficult... At that time you will know what it means to actually give up your life.”

    • How risky do you think this all really was?  How risky is following Jesus for you?  

    • Jesus continues, “For this journey at least, I want you to learn what it means to fully rely on your Father in heaven, as well as those around you, and those whom you serve.  And for food, Big James.  And for your life, John.  This is what it means to follow.  And to lead.”

    • When have you had to fully rely on God and the people around you?  What was it like?  How did you get through it?  What did you learn from it?  

  • “Listen to me.  None of you is what you were.  Remember that.  All of you...  I am confident that the two of you [Simon the Zealot and Matthew] will do and say great things because of your pasts.”

    • How often does your past impact your feeling worthy for being used by God?

    • How might your past be a resource for serving God and other people?  

  • Simon Peter and Eden begin making plans for a family.  However, that’s put on hold when the disciples are sent out.  

    • What does this say about how God can interrupt our hopes and plans?  Is it forever?  How should we respond when that happens?

    • Jesus does, however, arrange for Thomas to journey near Gafni, Ramah’s father.  Do God’s plans always have to interrupt ours, or can they more often work in tandem?

  • Little James’ conversation with Jesus about healing is intense:

    • “Why haven’t you [healed me]?”  “Because I trust you...  In the Father’s will, I could heal you right now.  And you’d have a good story to tell, yes?”  “Yes.  That you do miracles.”  “And that’s a good story...  But think of the story you will have, especially in this journey to come, if I don’t heal you.  To know how to proclaim that you still praise God in spite of this.  To know how to focus on all that matters, so much more than the body, to show people that you can be patient with your suffering here on earth because you know that you’ll spend eternity with no suffering.  Not everyone can understand that.” . . . “I know how easy it is to say the song of David, that I am beautifully and wonderfully made, but it doesn’t make this any easier, or this group, it doesn’t make me feel any less of a burden.” . . . “So many people need healing in order to believe in me.  Or they need healing because their hearts are so sick.  That doesn’t apply to you.  And many are healed or not healed because the Father in Heaven has a plan for that, which is maybe a mystery... So hold on a little longer.  And when you discover yourself finding true strength because of your weakness, and when you find yourself doing great things in spite of this, the impact will last for generations...  And remember, James, you will be healed.  It’s only a matter of time.”

    • What do you take from this exchange?  What nerves does it touch for you?  

    • I admit that I (Pastor Mike) have mixed feelings.  I like the scene, but I struggle with a few of the lines added to The Chosen that suggest God doesn’t heal people so that God can “use” them.  God does not use and abuse us the way a bad friend might use people.  I believe God uses our gifts, passions, and experiences to do great and wonderful things, but that God does this without withholding goodness or causing pain.  God uses our pains to bring good, but there’s a fine line between using them for good and causing (or perpetuating) them for good.  Although I wish this scene played out differently, I loved how Jesus talked about the “story” Little James has to tell.  I wish it would have focused there even more--that we can still trust God and praise God even when our lives aren’t perfect (physically or emotionally), that our value is not determined by the abilities or disabilities of our bodies and minds, but by the God who can bring good out of anything.  I love that Jesus trusted Little James to be faithful without needing kickback healings.  

  • “This is what we signed up for.  We might not have known it at that time, but we go where he sends us.”

    • Where has God unexpectedly sent you in your life, even though you didn’t know at the time where it was headed?  

  • Simon begins reciting Psalm 3 at the end of the episode.  King David wrote this psalm while fleeing Absolom, one of his sons, who raised an army and led a rebellion against his father.  

    • Read Psalm 3.  When have you felt as David did?  What was the end result for David?  For you?  

    • What is the value of having scripture memorized so that you can recite it pivotal moments in your life?

Episode 1


  • This episode begins with a flashback about a year or more into Matthew’s past.  

  • After the flashback, we return to present, with Jesus preaching the Sermon on the Mount (which he was preparing at the end of Season 2).  

  • Can't remember who everyone is?  Download this PDF character guide!


  • In the opening scene, Matthew says, “Can you name one thing Adonai (God) has done for our people in the past 100 years?  The past 500 years?”

    • Do these words resonate with you sometimes?  When?  

    • What has God actually done for us in the past 100 years?  

    • What has God actually done for you in your life?  

  • While Jesus is preaching the sermon on the mount, it zooms in on several of the disciples:

    • Why do you think it focuses on each of these characters for those particular quotes?  

      • ​“If you are odds with a brother or sister...” - Matthew

      • “Do not worry...” - Andrew

      • “Do not resist the one who is evil, and if someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other...” - Simon the Zealot

      • “Love your enemy...” - Roman investigator

      • “Pray for those who persecute you...” - Simon

      • “Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors...” - Mary Magdalene

    • How was Jesus speaking to them, even as he was speaking to everyone?  

    • What does Jesus say in this sermon speaks to you?

  • John the Baptist told Andrew, “In all that he said to those thousands of people, there was something just for you. There always is.”

    • How have you experienced that when reading the words of Jesus, or hearing sermons?

  • Jesus said to Judas: “I only require what other rabbis do--that you seek to be like me . . . But that will be much more difficult with me than with other rabbis, I can assure you.  Are you ready to do hard things?”  

    • What do you think he means by this?  

    • What hard things have you had to do following as a disciple of Jesus?  

  • Several times in the episode as people greet each other or depart, they say, “Shalom.”  

    • This is the Hebrew word for “peace,” but it means much more in Hebrew.  Check out this video to learn more about what it means:  

    • Why do you think they use this greeting?  

  • Over and over in this episode, people are thanking each other--Jesus thanking the disciples, Simon thanking Andrew for connecting him to Jesus, Mary thanking Andrew for his apology, etc.  

    • Why is saying thank you out loud so important?  

    • What difference does it make for the thanker?  The one being thanked?

  • Later in the episode at Mary Magdalene’s house, she, Remah, and Tamar are talking about Joanna (the rich woman).  They theorize about her motives, if she’ll come back, and more.  

    • What do you think about their conversation?  Was is constructive or just gossip?  

    • How have you seen women harsher to each other than to their male counterparts?   

    • You will get bonus points at our gathering if you can find Joanna in the Bible.  

  • When Matthew is confused, Mary Magdalene says, “You’re doing really good, Matthew.  Everything is new.  It’s okay to make a mistake.”  

    • When have you had to do new things?  Who was the voice of God who encouraged you?  

    • Do you allow yourself to make mistakes?  

  • Andrew apologizes to Mary for saying terrible things to her because he was scared, and she didn’t deserve it.  

    • What is the impact of confession for each of them?  What happens when we don’t apologize?  

    • Mary says that she doesn’t know how to respond to the apology. How should we respond when people apologize to us? 


Episode 7


  • There are a few returning characters from season one that might be helpful to remember:
    - Quintus - Roman praetor who employed Matthew as tax collector and data collector
    - Gaius - Roman soldier who was Matthew’s guard, who was subsequently promoted
    - Tamar - Ethiopian woman who grew up in Egypt; she brings her paralyzed friend to Jesus (through the roof) for healing; Jesus says her faith is beautiful
    - Yussif - student of Nicodemus who greets Schmuel upon his return; he was at the healing of the paralyzed man (with Schmuel); late in the episode, he disguises himself and offers dvice to the disciples

  • The disciple that goes with Andrew after Jesus is Philip (John the Baptist’s follower).​


  • Jesus says to the disciples:  “Here's what I want each of you to understand... It's the ‘why’ of this sermon, hmm? It's not because we need to make our presence felt here in the region, and it's not about the details of how we make this happen. The details matter, yes, and all of you will make sure this is executed well. But what makes this sermon so important is each person who will be there... This sermon will have thousands of people, so I won't be directing it to one group of people over another. But what I will say will be for each and every one of them. They're coming because word is spreading from the signs and wonders, but what I'll be giving to them will be far more important... truth. This will define our whole ministry, and that's what we need to focus on.” 
    What does Jesus mean when he says that the details of the sermon won’t matter so much as each person that will be there?  How does this shed light on Jesus’ whole ministry?  What is the “truth” he’s bringing people?  How does this shape our ministry together? 

  • Andrew acts uncharacteristically.  He’s anxious about following Jesus’ directions to fish, the attention they are getting, breaking rules, Mary running off, the sermon being ruined, and all the progress they’ve made being for nothing.  What’s behind his anxiety?  Is it fear, grief about John the Baptist, uncertainty, the weight of responsibility, something else, or all of them together?  How does anxiety drive your life?  What do you get most anxious about?  How does it lead you to act different than who you are? 

  • On top of Andrew’s anxiety, everyone is concerned about Jesus being taken for questioning.  Read Matthew 6:25-34.  What does this tell you about worry?  How should we deal with it?

  • Atticus says to Gaius, “I must admit I am intrigued by your prey... I saw a man who had not stood on his own two feet in half a century, bounding like a boy. I watched a martyr throw down his weapon and take a knee. I saw a lunatic's eyes go clear. Jesus of Nazareth did those things. He doesn't strike me at all as threatening or scary... and that scares me.”  What kind of world does Atticus live in that loving and healing actions are scary?  What kind of world do you live in?  Have you ever been put off by someone who seems too joyful and nice?  Why? 

  • Simon the Zealot says, “Maybe it was a hint. That we are supposed to be the fulfillment of those words.”  Nathaniel replies, “Zealots, and your secret handshakes and codes!”  “I'm not a Zealot anymore, just zealous. There's a difference.”  “You just interpreted plain speech about trust and peacefulness as code for insurrection.”  How often do we interpret scripture to say exactly what we think it ought to be saying, rather than what God means? 

  • Jesus tells the disciples, “You're all going to have to learn how to do this regardless of what's happening, good or bad. Things are only going to get more difficult. You can't just shut down when you're fearful. And what are you going to do when I'm no longer here?”  Why does fear lead us to shut down?  Is it the powerlessness?  The lack of answers?  The uncertainty?  What tools do we have as humans and as followers of Jesus to keep moving when life is bad? 

  • Jesus prays after his conversation with Quintus and before he returns to the disciples.  He tells them, “Prayer is the first step in getting the mind and the heart right; it's why you see me go to it so often.”  What impact does prayer have on you when you pray?  If it’s so good for us, why don’t we do it more often?  What gets in the way of you being in more regular conversation with God?  What helps?


  • During our Zoom conversation, we talked about the armor we carry to protect ourselves, and the work of storyteller and researcher Brené Brown that invites us to vulnerability, much like the disciples find they must do. 

  • If you’d like to learn more about this vulnerability, I encourage you to watch Brené Brown’s TED talk at

  • To explore the topic of armor deeper with Brené, watch   Note: Brené uses raw language, so if profanity upsets you, this video might not be a good fit.

Episode 6


  • The episode opens in Nob, Israel 1008 BC with Abiathar (the young boy) and his father Ahimelech (a priest).  The man who comes to the door seeking bread is David (the future king).  At this point in his reign, King Saul has gone crazy and abandoned God.  He is at odds with David.  Saul will eventually kill all the priests at Nob (incl. Ahimelech).  Abiathar will be the only to escape and serve as High Priest when David becomes king.  Jesus will reference this story (in 1 Samuel 21:1-6) about breaking rules at the very end of the episode.

  • Recall that Simon and Matthew were sent by Jesus to look for Mary Magdalene.

  • When Mary is in the bar, she remembers her father saying, “What do we do when we’re afraid?  We say the words...”  At the beginning of Season 1, we learned those words from Isaiah 43:1, “But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.”


  • Ramah and Mary (Jesus’ mother) forage.  James and Thomas talk about being short on food.  With everything Jesus can do, why can’t (or won’t) he make food come out of the air?  What about Jesus’ humanity and his solidarity with us is lost if he worked that way?  

  • Big James says that having Simon and Matthew work together is, “like asking a fox and a fish to go and team up and do something productive.”  So why do you think Jesus did it?  

  • Big James says, “I actually don't understand most of this; just pieces here and there, when good things happen, but the rest? I'm just following.”  John replies, “I have a sinking feeling . . . it's going to take a long time to understand . . . For everyone.”  How well do you understand God and what God wants of you?  Will you ever fully understand?  What is the value of following (even just going through the motions), even when we don’t understand?  

  • Mary says, “He already fixed me once... and I broke again. I can't face Him . . . I do have faith in Him, just not in me.”  When have you felt like this, like God could not possibly love you (again)?  Could your sin ever be greater than God’s grace?  Read Exodus 34:6-7.  How long-lasting is God’s judgment in verse 7 compared to God’s mercy in verse 6?  These verses are not about math or law, but about the magnitude of God’s grace.  

  • What do you think about Matthew’s confession to Mary:  “I'm a bad person, Mary . . . My whole life, all for me. No faith . . .”?  What impact does this moment have on Mary?  Simon?  Matthew?  Why is it a significant moment for them?  

  • Matthew tells Mary, “I'm learning more about Torah and God because of you. I'm studying harder because you are such a great student.”  How often do you underestimate your own gifts and talents?  Why is it easier to do that when we’re depressed and self-loathing?  

  • Jesus is in his tent crying over John the Baptist when Mary comes in.  What does Jesus’ emotional vulnerability say about God?  Recall this isn’t the only time Jesus cries--John 11:35.  

  • Mary’s conversation with Jesus is powerful:  M: “I don't know what to say.”  J: “I don't require much.”  M: “I'm just so ashamed. You redeemed me, and I just threw it all away.”  J: “Well, that's not much of a redemption if it can be lost in a day, is it?”  M: “I owe you everything... but I just don't think I can do it.”  J: “Do what?”  M: “Live up to it. Repay you”... J: “Well, that's true. But you don't have to. I just want your heart. The Father just wants your heart. Give Us that, which you already have, and the rest will come in time. Did you really think you'd never struggle or sin again? I know how painful that moment was for you.”  M: “I shouldn't.”  What does this conversation stir within you?  Mary feels guilt over her action, but also shame about the kind of person she is.  What’s the difference between guilt over a mistake and shame over the way we are?  What is Jesus’ response to that shame in our lives?  

  • What did you feel when Jesus forgives Mary?  What does he mean when he says, “It’s over”?  

  • Madai (the rabbi) and Lamech say of Elam (the man with the withered hand), “This affliction does not threaten his life!” and “It does not even affect his health!”  Do you think that’s true?  What does Jesus understand about Elam that they don’t?  What does God understand about you that others don’t understand?  

  • Lamech says, “All we can do is fulfill our duty to report the facts. And pray . . . for justice.”  What is justice?  What are we praying for when we ask for that?  

Episode 5


  • Many of the same characters from the previous episode return in this one, including Jesse (the man who was crippled and healed), Simon the Zealot (Jesse’s brother, the assassin), Atticus Aemilius (the undercover Roman preventing insurrection), Schmuel (the pharisee who studied under Nicodemus), and John the Baptist (also Jesus’ cousin). 

  • In this episode, Jesus and the disciples are headed east out of Jerusalem toward Jericho (about 18 miles away, a day’s walk). 

  • John the Baptist is particularly upset by Herod Antipas, who divorced his wife and is marrying Herodias, his brother's ex-wife.  Herod Antipas’s father was Herod the Great, who slaughtered the children of Israel after Jesus was born and he talked with the magi.  Herod Antipas was the ruler (tetrarch) of Galilee under the Roman Empire, essentially Rome’s puppet ruler. 

  • Simon the Zealot carries a sica dagger, a long curved knife that could be concealed under the arm.  It was uniquely suited for getting around a Roman soldier’s shield and penetrating their armor. 


  • Are demons real?  Some Christians suggest that what we call mental illness today was interpreted to be demons by people who didn’t understand it back then.  How might there be truth to this perspective?  How might this perspective be harmful to people with mental illness today?  If demons indeed possess people today, what might that look like? 

  • John the Baptist accuses Jesus of minimizing Herod’s sin.  Jesus replies, “I understand it's against the law of Moses, but I'm here for bigger purposes than the breaking of rules.”  What is his “bigger purpose”?  Do you think God minimizes sin or breaking of rules?  When are we called to focus on sin and rules, and when are we called to focus on God’s bigger purposes? 

  • What do you think about the conversations between Jesus and John the Baptist?  For two guys in this together, they sure don’t seem to agree on a lot of things.  Why does God use fast-moving talkers and slow-moving thinkers to work together to the same goal? 

  • Jesus tells John the Baptist:  “I'm going to tell stories that make sense to some people, but not to others, and that's just how it's going to be.”  Why not just tell things that make sense to everyone?  Is that even possible?  What’s the implication of this when you read the Bible or hear a sermon that doesn’t connect with you? 

  • Jesus says, “I'm always ready to do My Father's will... but that doesn't make it easy.”  May you take this to heart in your faith journey. 

  • Mary is emotionally and physically upset by her encounters with the Roman soldiers and the man with a demon.  Isn’t she past those things now that Jesus is in her life?  Could she be experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?  Research in has demonstrated trauma (of all kinds) has a huge impact on our lives.  How does past trauma impact you today? 

  • Dr. Betsy Stone defines trauma as “a response to a deeply distressing event, which overwhelms our ability to cope, while causing feelings of helplessness, and diminishing our abilities to feel like ourselves or act in predictable ways.” 

  • Videos are available at in which Dr. Stone presents to the ELCA Council of Bishops about The Effect of Trauma on the Brain and Body, and on Growth from Trauma.  It can take some time to get into each 1-hour video, but I promise the information shared is well worth the time, especially as we deal with trauma from the pandemic and violence in our nation. 

  • It is worth noting that Jesus sees Mary’s distress and responds to it. 

  • Why does Jesus tell John the Baptist, “You're doing what you're supposed to do. I'm just reminding you to be sure to listen to God's voice as you do it.”  How is it possible for us to be “doing God’s work” and not listening to God?  What gets in the way of listening to God’s voice as we do good?  What’s the impact when we forget?  A good example is the conversation between Schmuel (who thinks he’s doing the good and faithful thing) and his compatriot.  You can see Schmuel getting uncomfortable, but he still gets sucked in.  Why? 

  • What do you make of Jesus thinking about and practicing what he will preach?  What does it reveal about Jesus that you hadn’t thought about before? 

  • Why does Jesus encourage Simon and Matthew to keep Psalm 139:8 in their thoughts as they go after Mary?  Reread Psalm 139.  What’s the message?  When would these words most benefit you?

Episode 4


  • Opens with boy (Jesse) who falls from a tree.  His parents pay healers to do something.  Then his mother dies in childbirth and his father remarries.  

  • Jesse’s younger brother Simon (not the one already a disciples) is beat up by Romans.  Simon joins the Zealots, a secret Jewish rebellion intent on overthrowing the Romans.  In the Bible, he’s referred to as Simon the Zealot.  

  • When Jesse is older, he ends up at the pool of Bethsaida (also called Bethesda) in Jerusalem.  Legend has it that when an angel stirs the water, the first person to touch it is healed.  

  • Later on, the episode moves to Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jesus, and the disciples, where they are building a “booth.”

  • The Feast of Booths (also called the Festival of Tabernacles or Sukkot) involved a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and building temporary booths to live in for a week.  It was a way of remembering what their ancestors experienced wandering 40 years in the wilderness during the Exodus.  It took place in August/September.

  • Cross are shown at the entrance to Jerusalem.  This punishment was not unique to Jesus.   Romans carried out these gruesome executions as a warning to all who entered and a reminder of who’s in control (the Romans).  


  • The Zealots were a group of insurrectionists plotting to kick out the Romans.  Some would say that they were faithful for it.  Others would call them revolutionaries and patriots.  Atticus Aemilius (the undercover Roman) calls them “martyrs with a persecution complex.”  They were not unlike Jihadists in the Holy Land these days.  Where is the line between faithfulness and patriotism, and extremism and domestic terrorism?  

  • There are several times people quote scripture about God rooting out the enemies of Israel.  How do we justify the war and violence that seems to be God-ordained in the Old Testament?  How does that square with “Thou shalt not kill”?  When have Christians (perhaps wrongly) used God as an excuse to go to war, believing God is on their side?  

  • At the Pool of Bethsaida, you apparently have to be closer and less disabled to receive a “miracle.”  How is it in our world that those who need the most help often receive the least of it?  Is it wrong to help those with “less” need first sometimes?  

  • Jesus described the time of dwelling in booths is “a leveler of people. Wealthy, poor... everyone sleeps outside... as equals.”  Why difference does that make?  Why is levelling (at least temporarily) helpful (recall our conversation about why we share stories).  

  • When Simon quotes Zechariah 14:16 that “All the nations that have attacked Jerusalem shall . . . celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles,”  Big James and John object: “But the booths won't mean anything to them . . . We're the ones who dwelt in temporary shelters while we wandered the wilderness, not them.”  Jesus responds, “Everyone has wandered through the wilderness at some point.”  What happened to the Hebrew people when they wandered in the wilderness after exiting Egypt?  What happened to Jesus in the wilderness?  When have you felt like you’ve been in a wilderness, and how has it changed you?  

  • Jesse and his brother Simon the Zealot argue about God not pitting people against each other.  Then Simon quotes Ecclesiastes 3.  How does it apply to your life?  What “time” is it now for you?  For our congregation?  For our world?  

  • Simon quotes King David as saying, “Zeal for the Lord’s house will consume me.”  This comes from Psalm 69.  What does this psalm speak to you?  

  • Jesus has an emotional conversation with Jesse at the pool:  “Do you want to be healed?” . . .  “Sir, I have no one to help me into the water when it's stirred up. And when I do get close... the others step down in front of me... and so--”  “Look at Me... look at Me. That's not what I asked. I'm not asking you about who's helping you, or who's not helping, or who's getting in your way. I'm asking about you.”  Why does Jesus pursue this question?  

  • Jesus says to Jesse, “You don’t want false hope again.”  He knows the pool has nothing for him, but he’s still there.  Why does he stay?  What addictions do you turn to for hope or escape?  [Addictions can be more than drugs and alcohol, including money, appearance, popularity, smartphones, TV, books, food, or anything else in which we seek relief, but never can get enough.]  How do we abandon these false hopes?  Read through Alcoholics Anonymous’s 12 Steps.  How could they help with your false hopes?  

  • When Matthew asks, “Why did you do this on Shabbat?” Jesus replies, “Sometimes you have to stir up the water.”  But isn’t the “Christian way” to all get along and keep the peace?  Don’t we get frustrated with people who rock the boat? 

Episode 3


  • This episode takes place in Syria, not far from where the last one ended.  Jesus and the disciples are camped outside of town, and people are coming out of the cities to see Jesus. 

  • Read Matthew 4:23-25, for which this episode is named. 

  • The episode opens with Matthew and Philip, but soon the remainder to the disciples are all gathered together talking.  At one point, Mary the mother of Jesus arrives.  Jesus comes in only at the very end. 


  • Philip teaches Matthew a line from Psalm 139.  Read the whole psalm.  How does reading the whole psalm open up the verse they repeat:  "If I ascend to heaven, you are there. If I make my bed in the depths, you are there.”  Why would Philip think this is a good place for Matthew to start his study of scripture?  Why would it be a good place for you to start? 

  • The disciples talk about expecting the Messiah to be a warrior, not someone who heals people.  If God were going to appoint someone to come directly to “save” you, what do you hope that person would do?  Would your hope really change your life for the better?  How does your hope compare to what Jesus actually does?  Why is Jesus healing diseases instead of overthrowing the Romans?  What difference does that healing make to us now? 

  • Little James is annoyed that people are believing in Jesus and praising him because he’s healing them, and says without the healing they probably wouldn’t.  Who do you “follow”?  Who do you admire, listen to, and praise?  Why?  Is it because they are famous, or because they made a difference in your life?  What difference has Jesus made in your life that leads you to follow him? 

  • Thomas asks Little James about his disability, and why he hasn’t asked Jesus to heal him.  Little James responds:  “I don't know if I should. It just doesn't feel right. You know, and I suppose I've just been grateful that He called me to follow Him in spite of it, but-- it's never come up, not even once. I'm just afraid that if I mention it to Him, it will make Him change His mind about me, or something.”  Do you worry about God questioning your faith or changing his mind about you if you ask for too much?  Why is it so hard to ask for help sometimes?   

  • Mary the mother of Jesus says he has always been a worker.  Jesus helps people all day and then is exhausted.  Why?  If the healing is about more than just healing, couldn’t he finish 1 person (or 100 people) sooner, and still convey the same message?  Why continue? 

  • Andrew says that he thinks about being rich sometimes, and then feels guilty, “. . . for thinking about things I shouldn't, for wanting things I shouldn't care so much about. Sometimes, I feel like... like I'm living someone else's life. Like... when I look at myself from the outside... it doesn't always feel like me. It feels like someone who's... trying to live up to the heroes of our history, like, I have to do something great, but I know I'm not great. Know it even more now, being with Him.”  Do you ever feel guilty for wondering about such things?  What does it take to be great?  Read Mark 9:33-37

  • The disciples are surprised when Mary (his mother) tells them about when he was a baby.  She says he needed to be cleaned, he was cold, he was crying, and he needed his mom’s help.  They are also stunned to hear that Jesus’ father died.  What insight does this perspective give us on Jesus (particularly in the context of the end of the episode)? 

  • Mary Magdalene talks about leaving home and leaving all she knew, and the struggle to return to who she had been.  Do we get second chances in real life, or is that just something that happens in the Bible and movies?  Where do those second chances come from? 

  •  Talking around the fire, several of the disciples confess times they broke Jewish Law.  Thomas says, “I've grown to love being Jewish, and I've grown to love following the Law, but it can be exhausting.”  What about being Christian and “being good” is exhausting?  So why try? 

  • Simon calls out Matthew for “choosing” what happened to him, while others like Mary (and himself) had no control over their trauma.  Several others seem to agree with him.  Is that fair?  Is life that black and white?  How much are any of us in control of our actions?  If so much is beyond our control, how and why do we do different/better? 

  • Simon asks Matthew why he’s learning scripture and changing his ways now.  Matthew never gets around to answering.  How do you think he might have answered?  What is different in his life now? 

  • What do you think of the disciples arguing and attacking each other?  Have you ever considered them being so divided (and human)?  Aren’t they supposed to be good, faithful, and saintly?  What does their bickering mean is possible for us? 

  • Finally, Jesus arrives completely worn out.  Have you ever considered the suffering he endured before the cross?  Why might caring for those people have been so exhausting?  Do you ever think what it takes out of God to care for us every day?  How does this contrast with what weighs on the disciples’ minds? 

Episode 2


  • The opening scene is in present day Caesarea Philippi (a Roman city north of Judah), with Jewish architect Nathanael and his Roman supervisor Leontes.

  • The next scene involves Simon, Thomas, James and John in the Bashan (an area east of the Sea of Galilee, north of Samaria).  They run into Philip, a follower of John the Baptist.

  • The scripture they say together about making fires of the weapons comes from Ezekiel 39:1-10.  In this passage, God foretells Israel’s defeat of invaders from the north. They will come in such great numbers that people will be able to use the discarded weapons of the defeated army as firewood for seven years.  Some Christians who believe in the rapture see prophetic meaning in this passage.  Although we understand it speaks to God’s power to defeat bullies and Israel’s great victories, it’s not an important passage in our tradition. 

  • Next, the story goes back to Nathanael in a bar, talking about himself. 

  • The rest of the episode goes back and forth between various disciples and Nathanael until their stories merge at the end. 


  • Philip (who becomes one of the 12 disciples) presents as an odd, wise, and enigmatic character.  Other than his calling with Nathanael and his baptizing an Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:5-40, there’s not much about him in the Bible.  How does his character come off to you?  What does he add to the human side of Jesus’ story? 

  • Nathanael claims that he “died of hubris” (excessive pride or self-confidence).  When has hubris caused complication or ruin for you?  If hubris (excessive pride) isn’t good for us, is there still room for healthy pride?  What’s the difference? 

  • Philip says to Matthew:  “I was something else once, too.  Once you've met the Messiah, am is all that matters.”  Instead of living in the past and dwelling on our past actions, how does Jesus compel us to focus on our present and future?  What difference does that make? 

  • Matthew draws a picture on the ground and says to Philip:  “Here's a circle-- It represents everything in the world and all the people that have ever been.  [Pointing to a place outside the circle...]  And that's me.  That's how I feel.”  Do you ever feel like Matthew?  If so, what’s different about you, and why are you made to feel outside?  With that in mind, how can you help others farther outside the “norm” feel more included? 

  • Matthew’s is wired differently than the other disciples.  Today we might call him “neurodivergent.”  Learn about neurodiversity at  If you want to go deeper, listen to this YouTuber with autism help explain it:  How is neurodiversity a blessing, rather than a curse, such as in the case of Matthew? 

  • While under the tree, Nathanael recites Psalm 102.  The Psalms are not like other scripture.  They are prayers and songs that express raw and honest feelings.  Read the psalm.  Notice that the writer moves from lament (like Nathanael) to praise.  What brings that change for Nathanael?  What moves you from lament to praise? 

  • Nathanael asks if God sees him.  Does God see Nathanael?  How?  What difference does it make?  Does God see you? 

  • Much of this episode comes from John 1:43-51.  Is this how you imagined that passage?  What do you like or dislike about the way it’s depicted in The Chosen? 

  • Mary and Ramah want to learn more Torah (the first 5 books in our Bible, also called the “Books of Moses”).  Girls didn’t attend religious school as all boys did.  What is Thomas missing when he says that instead of learning for herself, Ramah could ask him anything she wants to know?  What difference does it make that you can read scripture for yourself, rather than relying on a relative or a pastor to tell you?  Do you take advantage of that privilege? 

  • Philip says to Nathanael several times, “Come and see.”  That’s the same line Jesus says in John 1:38-39 to hook Philip.  This phrase recurs over and over throughout the Gospel of John.  What’s the difference between “Come and see,” and “Trust what I’m telling you”?  What does this say about our God, who would rather show us than tell us? 

  • Philip tells Matthew, “What you think you know, it doesn't matter. Only that Jesus chose you. That's where your confidence comes from now.”  Matthew begrudgingly replies, “I know He knows what He's doing. I just wish I did.”  We confess God knows what God is doing.  But it’s an entirely different thing to trust that.  Have you been led down a hard road (like Matthew) or experienced defeat (like Nathanael) that led you exactly where you needed to be?  Why is it so hard to trust God that there’s a future for us after change or defeat?

Episode 1 


  • The episode begins a few decades in the future with John interviewing various disciples
    - He ends up in conversation with Mary, the mother of Jesus (he calls her “mother” 
       because on the cross Jesus had them adopt each other).  

  • The next scene has Big James and John plowing a field.

  • Then Thomas (the wedding caterer) and Ramah (the wine producer) are traveling on the road to Samaria to find Jesus and the disciples.  They are talking with Ramah’s father, Kafni.

  • Simon, Matthew, Andrew, Mary, and others are in Sychar, near where Jesus met Photina, the woman at the well (who is his biggest champion in this episode).  Sychar is a city in Samaria, a place and people outside the Jewish faithful, and considered enemies.  

  • The have dinner with the Samaritans Melech, Chedva, and Rebecca.

  • They spend the night in the house of Nedim, Photina’s partner.

  • The episode ends in the synagogue.  As Jesus reads the scroll, there are flashes back to the beginning of the episode (in the future) with John writing.  


  • Why is there competition between disciples?  Simon and Matthew argue over numbers.  Matthew is put off by Thomas being good with numbers and precision.  Simon seems deflated when Jesus commends Big James and John for their work in the field.  Simon is resentful when they take charge of dinner preparation.  The later argue about the agenda for the time after Sychar.  Do you ever feel in competition with other people when it comes to being “good” or recognized?  Why is it so hard for us sometimes to be happy for others when they do good work?  Is it because we believe they aren’t worthy, or because we want to prove that we are good (secretly fearing that we are not)?  Read Philippians 3:2-11.  

  • In Kafni’s conversation with Jesus, he admits he doesn’t believe in what Jesus saying.  Then to Thomas, he says, “You may be stupid, but I am not.”  Have you ever felt foolish for believing in a God you can’t see?  Or worried that people will judge you as being deluded into wishful thinking with no basis in reason?  How do you feel about yourself when you have those thoughts?  Jesus says to Kafni, “I understand.  Thank you for your honesty.”  How do you talk back to the doubt and shame that come with these thoughts?  How do you respond to others who don’t believe.  Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-31.

  • Melech (the lame man) says,  “What do want from me?”  What does Jesus want from him (hint: it’s not just belief)?  What does Jesus want from you?  To simply tell and listen to stories with you?  

  • Chedva (Melech’s wife) says, “When I was a little girl, my father told me the Messiah would bring an end to pain and suffering.  If you are who people are saying you are, when will you do that?”  Jesus responds, “In this world, bones will still break.  Hearts will still break.  But in the end, light will overcome darkness.”  Knowing the difficulties she faces, how would you answer Chedva if you were asked to speak for Jesus in this moment?   

  • Jesus says, “This is what we Jews do.  We tell and listen to stories.  Our stories connect us.  Tell me your story.”  When was the last time you listened to someone’s story?  When was the last time you told yours?  What was the impact of each?  

  • When talking about sheep, Jesus doesn’t do so much preaching, but asking a shepherd to describe what he would do.  When preparing to read scripture, he asks John to select his favorite scripture.  Why is that?  How might this be an example for how we share the Good News in our daily lives?  Is it all just preaching to people?

  • It’s clear that James and John are prejudiced against the Samaritans (and many Samaritans against them).  When have you spoken or acted out of prejudice?  What did Jesus do (and ask them to do) to help them see past their prejudice?  Read 2 Corinthians 5:16-21.  

  • Jesus names James and John the Sons of Thunder.   They say, “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”  Jesus responds:  “Today, it was not good. But strong passion can be a good thing, when channeled for righteousness.”  Can you think of traits you possess that can be used for good or for bad?  How do you use them to plant seeds?  

  • The episode ends with Jesus reading the creation story of Genesis 1 interspersed with the beginning of John’s Gospel.  Read Genesis 1 and John 1:1-14. How does John’s experience and telling of creation bring depth to Genesis 1?  What does these have to do with what happened in this episode?  How does it impact your life?  


Episode 8 Questions for Reflection

  • In the opening scene, Jacob (from the Old Testament) is describing God to a Canaanite.  What was the Canaanite man’s impression of gods?  What was Jacob’s impression of God?  

  • What does Jacob mean when he says, “We didn’t choose God . . . God chose us”?  What does it mean to you to be chosen by God?  

  • Nicodemus calls up the story of Hagar (Genesis 16) and the “God who sees.”  Jesus mentions that he and Eden see the same thing in Simon.  He also tells Eden “I see you.”  Jesus shows that he knows the Samaritan at the well by naming her husbands.  What does it mean that God “sees” us?  What does God see in you?  

  • Jacob and the Canaanite man, and Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well, have conversations about where we can worship God.  What is the benefit of an “invisible” God that you can worship anywhere?  Where are we supposed to God when we need God?  What does it mean to worship in “spirit and truth,” and with “heart and mind”?  

  • When Jesus shows up at Eden’s house, she says, “I didn’t expect you here,” and Jesus responds that people rarely expect him to be there.  The woman at the well claims God has never given her anything.  Why don’t we expect God to show up in our lives?  When and how has God showed up in your life?  When have you missed God’s presence in the moment?  

  • Would you rather that you see God, or God sees you?  

  • Jacob describes “an invisible God, whose promises take generations to come true, who makes you sojourn in a strange places, and who broke his hip.”  Eden says it’s “our peoples’ way.”  Why does it have to be this way?  

Episode 7 Questions for Reflection

  • In the first scene, Moses and Joshua talk about the unexplainable things God has done.  Moses notes that they were acts of faith, not reason.  What does that mean?  When have you acted on faith rather than reason?  Who did you have faith in?  God?  Yourself?  Someone else?  

  • Matthew explains to Gaias, “When you realize that nobody else in the world cares about what happens to you, you think only about yourself.”  How does rejection, isolation, and/or self-preservation lead us to sin?  

  • Quintas tells Nicodemus, “You and I want the same thing.  We want rules followed.  We want order.”  Why are rules and order desired?  Who makes the rules you live by?  When is it right to follow the rules and when is it right to break them?  

  • We’re getting to see Nicodemus’ faithfulness.  Mary describes him by saying, “He seemed earnest.  He wasn’t offended to learn that someone else had succeeded where he had failed. There was a hunger in his eyes, not fear.”  How well do you take it when someone else succeeds where you fail?  How does it hold you up when you don’t take it well?  How did it free Nicodemus?  

  • Jesus’ and Nicodemus’ conversation is deep.  What did you take from it?  Do Jesus’ explanations about the Spirit, being born again, and the Kingdom of God make sense to you?  Why or why not?  What would help them make more sense?  

  • What is the Kingdom of God?  

  • What would you give up to “follow” Jesus?  Why?  How might it following be better?  What would you not give up?  Why not?  

Episode 6 Questions for Reflection

  • People gathered around Jesus teaching after seeing others there.  Nicodemus says that people stood in line to see John the Baptist because others were standing in line.  Do we follow Jesus just because others have (maybe our parents or grandparents)?  

  • Reactions to the leper were severe--people backed away, they didn’t want to breathe the same air, and knives were even drawn.  What can make someone so afraid?  What do you know about lepers in Jesus’ time?  Who are the lepers of our day?  

  • Simon both wants to attract more followers (recall his advice for the wedding) and not draw attention.  Which is it?  Why is he split?  Who are the “right” people?  Why do you think people are drawn to Jesus?  

  • Nicodemus and Schmuel have a pointed argument about interpreting scripture.  Which side are you on?  Can’t we just follow what the Bible says and not interpret it?  When have we used scripture to place limits on God?  

  • Jesus talks a bit about repenting or perishing in this episode.  This may need to be a place where Biblical context (not necessarily context in The Chosen) and interpretation may be really important.  Do you think it’s so black and white to God?

  • What is your reaction to Jesus healing the man who was paralyzed?  How would you react if you witnessed something like this today?  Would you be amazed and believe, or would you think it was a trick? 

Episode 5 Questions for Reflection

  • What do you make of the conversation between Nicodemus and John the Baptist?  What are they both looking for and hoping for?  Shouldn’t they both already know what’s going on? Is this how you pictured John?  

  • What do you make of the conversation and joking among Jesus’ followers?  

  • Why should anyone consider Jesus remarkable?  What is it about him?  Is it just the miracles?  

  • Both the bride’s father (Abner) and Simon seem to think wealth and power is important.  How does Jesus prove them both wrong (Simon in their conversation, and Abner with the wine)?  What is important?  

  • What kind of symbolism or allegory did you notice in this episode?  Consider the following:  Jesus in his “father’s” house, John the Baptist talking about preparing the way and quoting lots of scripture, Simon talking about learning how to fish, the purification jars, the good and cheap wine, Thaddeus explanation of smithing vs. stonecutting, etc.  Why is it meaningful to tie what Jesus is doing to the Old Testament?  

  • What is the question over whether Jesus’ “time” has come?  Time for what? 

  • How does Jesus “save” the wedding family?  

Episode 4 Questions for Reflection

  • Quintas tells Matthew, “You people want to be ruled.  You people want an excuse to complain.”  What is easier about being ruled than being responsible?  

  • What do family relationships look like in this episode?  Consider those of Simon, Andrew, Eden (Simon’s wife), Eden’s ima (mother), Zebedee and his sons James and John...

  • Eden accuses Simon of trying to fix everything himself.  What’s so wrong with that?  Isn’t he just trying to take responsibility?

  • Before the catch, why isn’t Simon as excited about the Messiah as Andrew is?  Why doesn’t he want to hear about it?

  • What do you think of Simon’s accusations of God?  What is his beef with God?  

  • Would you have been able to drop things and follow Jesus like Peter, Andrew, James, and John did?  What kind of miracle would you have needed to see?  What did Jesus offer them that is more than just a miracle?   

Episode 3 Questions for Reflection

  • What do you think of Jesus’ interactions with the children?  His silliness? His laughter?  His answering their questions?  Why do that for kids (and adults), when they haven’t given him any good reason to give his time and care to them? 

  • Why do the kids seem interested in Jesus from the start? Why do they do work for him?  What is it about him? 

  • Jesus invites the kids not only to watch, but to help him. How is that like God’s invitation to humanity to partner with God in creation? 

  • Jesus says, “Everyone has a much larger job than just their trade.  And you are more than just students.  You are at school to show love to one another.  And to take God’s Word and share it.  And at home to honor your father and mother.  And most important, from the Law of Moses, to love, who...?”  Joshua finishes, “The Lord your God, with all your heart.”  What is your larger job (or jobs)? 

  • If you had to name what Jesus’ job is, what would you say?

  • Jesus calls one of the kids “Joshua the brave.”  What name would Jesus give to you? 

  • Why does Jesus mean when he says, “Adults need the faith of children”?

Episode 2 Questions for Reflection

  • Several of the characters make distinct choices in this episode (Peter to turn in merchants, lie to wife; Matthew to keep talking to Quintas, not go in to his family; Mary to host Shabbat; Nicodemus to investigate Mary's healing instead of just celebrating the win).  What guides your decision-making?  How do you know what's "right" and "wrong"?

  • What do you learn about the Sabbath (Shabbat) from this episode?  Why do they observe it, and how? 

  • Why do we observe the Sabbath, and how?  Are we doing it well?  What would an ideal Sabbath (according to the purpose you learned in the episode) look like to you? 

  • What is the purpose of ritual?  What is the problem with ritual? 

  • What activity is most renewing for you?  In other words, what activity brings you to life? 

Episode 1 Questions for Reflection

  • How do the portrayals (so far) of Simon (Peter) and Mary Magdalene (Lilith) track with your past perceptions of them?  What is challenging about the differences?  What is thought-provoking about the differences? 

  • Fear is a common theme in Episode 1.  Considering the characters as portrayed, life in Bible times, and life in general as an actual human person... what do each of the following people have to be afraid of:  Mary Magdalene, Simon and Andrew, Matthew (and his cart driver), Nicodemus, and the Roman soldiers?  Why should they be afraid?  Deep down, what are you afraid of?  Why?

  • Where do characters seek hope (whether "right" and "wrong")?  Consider especially, but not exclusively, Peter's schemes, Nicodemus' teachings, and Mary's conversations with her father.  

  • What questions do you hear the characters asking?  

  • What questions, insights, or thoughts come to you while watching or afterwards?  What does the episode move in you?

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