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Good Friday, April 18

Saturday, April 19

Easter Sunday, April 20

Written by Lutherans in Missouri and Kansas with different experiences,  perspectives, and talents, just like you. By sharing these reflections, we invite you - and each other- to read how God works in our respective lives and to help you see God more clearly active in your own life, too.


“They are like trees planted by streams of water.”  v. 3a


The book of Psalms is the first hymnal of God’s people, filled with songs of celebration and songs of pain and grief. Some are communal, while others are personal. Some are songs of confident faith, while others are filled with questions for God and honest doubt. And the collection starts with Psalm 1.


I envision the composer crafting this hymn to do what Moses urged the community to do in Deuteronomy 6: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise.” So sing, says the psalmist, sing of God and God’s way of life.


Psalm 1 begins with a picture of all God’s people. Some are happy and blessed, whose lives are fruitful and righteous, firmly rooted in and nourished by God. Others are labeled wicked, scoffers, and sinners, whose lives are dry, dusty, and fruitless.

The big word here is righteousness:  right relationships with God, one another, and all creation. For the psalmist, it means to live in accord with the Torah, and be guided by the stories of God’s promises to Abraham and Sarah, the stories of Joseph and his brothers, the stories of Moses, Pharaoh, and the Exodus.


The way of the wicked is the way of Pharaoh, the way of broken and twisted relationships. But the way of the Lord is the way of right relationships, the way of life and blessing.


These are difficult days, with divisions and the destruction of relationships happening daily, streaming out of Washington DC.  Fear abounds – fear of immigrants, fear of the poor, fear of minorities, fear of The Other. But the songs of God’s people are stronger than fear, nourishing us with blessing, hope, and life.


  1. Where do you hear the songs of scarcity, fear, and death that lure you from God?

  2. What are the songs of blessing, hope, and life that sing God’s love to your heart?


In times of fear, bless us with faith. In times of doubt, embrace us with hope. In times of pain, fill us with peace. Amen.


Peter Rehwaldt, Trinity Lutheran, Lawrence, KS


“When you are disturbed, do not sin; ponder it on your beds and be silent.”  v. 4


In Psalm 4 King David, the leader of Israel, is considering the behavior of those around him who are “seeking after lies and dishonoring him.”   He sings his contemplation aloud, confidently affirming his trust in divine protection and faithfulness in the face of turmoil.


It feels like King David is reassuring himself as he speaks to God. At the same time, his prayer encourages us to ponder what is disturbing or angering us. Sounds like some good advice. We don’t want our anger to get the best of us. Instead, we are invited to recognize our distress and avoid doing something hurtful; to go to our beds, think about it, and be quiet.


God will come to us in the quiet and give us the clarity we need to respond with grace and to take loving action in any situation we encounter. “Let me take some time to think about it,” is a proper response.  Disengaging in a heated moment can help us avoid sin.


Many people are disturbed, angry, and anxious right now. In the midst of that, God will give direction as we seek to live in lifegiving ways, all while we resist the falsehoods, misinformation, and slanderous behavior that demeans and criminalizes people we are called to love or denigrates the good works we graciously offer as we care for our neighbors.


  1. What disturbs or angers you right now?

  2. How do you deal with your anger so that you can avoid sin?


Holy and Wise one, teach me to recognize my distress and to respond in ways that help me avoid sin. In the quiet, Lord, I trust that I will hear what you say to me.  Help me to know the rest and comfort of your faithfulness always and especially when I am disturbed. AMEN.


Sue Tarkka, Overland Park Lutheran, Overland Park, KS

FRIDAY, MARCH 7 - Psalm 8
“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
    the moon and the stars that you have established;
  what are humans that you are mindful of them,
    mortals that you care for them?”  vss. 3-4
I’ve always been a bit of a stargazer, looking for familiar constellations and planets or waking in the wee hours of the morning to catch a meteor shower. I’ve spent much of my life in big cities with so much light pollution, I really had no idea just how much more you can see when you find an area with little to no manmade light. Last year on a trip to Australia, my friend and I sought out a low light area, and, for the first time in my life, I could see the Milky Way spread across the sky above me; more stars and planets than I could hope to count. 
Like the Psalmist, I marveled at the vastness of the universe and my tiny role within it. Beneath the grandeur of God’s creation, I pondered the significance of humanity and was truly humbled realizing that the Creator of such magnificence is also deeply mindful of we mere 
mortals below.
In our daily lives, it can be easy to feel small and insignificant, especially amidst the busyness and challenges we face. Yet, this psalm reassures us that God’s care for us is intentional and intimate. Despite the immensity of the cosmos, God’s love and attention are directed towards each of us and God is actively working in our lives, guiding us and sustaining us, much like God sustains the stars and the moon. 
How often do you take the time to reflect on the beauty of God’s creation and your place within it?
In what ways have you felt God’s presence and care in your life recently?
How can you become more mindful of God’s ongoing work in 
your daily routine?
Gracious Creator, we stand in awe of your magnificent works. Help us to recognize your presence and care in our lives, even when we feel small and insignificant. During this Lenten season, draw us closer to you, and open our hearts to see your handiwork around us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Elizabeth Carr, St. John’s Lutheran Parish, Lancaster & Bendena, KS

SATURDAY, MARCH 8 - Psalm 16
“You make known to me the path of life…”  v. 11
When I was a little girl, my Grandpa showed me how to read a map. North was at the top. Some of the lines were big roads, some smaller, and some were railroads. Lakes were blue. Airports were marked with an airplane. The index could help me find even the smallest town - down to G and over to 13 - and there it was!
Then came Mapquest! I could tell Mapquest where I was starting and where I was going -- hit “PRINT” - and out would come pages of directions! Some trips would be many pages of directions -- and woe to the navigator who got the pages mixed up!
And now we have GPS navigation. Siri now guides me turn by turn, traffic light by traffic light, intersection by intersection. Sometimes Siri even knows when a road has construction. “You have reached your destination!” Siri proclaims.
As great as technology is at guiding me to my next destination - the path for my LIFE is often far less clear. Should I apply for that job or enroll in school? Should I move -- or should I stay?
At a time when I was really searching for God’s path for my life, 
a friend taught me a way to pray for clarity. It was called a breath 
prayer -- a mantra to be prayed again and again. Following the process, I was led to pray, “Show me your way, oh God.” I prayed it multiple times each day -- hundreds of times. I would find myself praying it even when I had not consciously remembered to pray.
Eventually God made known to me the path of life -- the path for my life. The puzzle pieces came together. As I continued to pray about it, I got confirmation after confirmation that this was God’s path of life -- for me.
In what way are you seeking God’s path for you?
What ‘breath prayer’ could open you to hear God’s directions?
Show me your way, O Lord. Amen.
Joan Swander, St Mark’s Lutheran, Emporia KS 

SUNDAY, MARCH 9 - Psalm 17

“Hear a just cause, O Lord; attend to my cry;
   give ear to my prayer from lips free of deceit.”  v. 1

I admire the boldness of the psalm writer.  There are so many times
my thoughts closely match theirs.  My thoughts go something like this: 
“God, I really wish other people knew better.  Could you please just make all the people working against me against you be put to shame, and get what they deserve?  You know I haven’t done anything truly bad, and I am a good person.  Could you please just do something about those people already?  It’s getting a bit much putting up with them.  Oh, and I love you, God of Justice.  Amen.”

I don’t actually say that to God.  I also don’t act on it (because, you know, I am a good person).  I know it’s the wrong attitude.  But sometimes it is just how I feel.  And that’s clearly how the writer of this psalm feels--frustrated, disappointed, angry, and desperate. 

When I was a kid, it really freaked me out when I heard in church that God knows what’s on our hearts and minds.  If God could do that, God would know what a rotten apple I really was. 

Over the years, I’ve learned I’m not the only one who has these feelings.  The psalm writer names out loud what all of us think at some point.  Yes, it is self-righteous, but at least it is honest.  God already knows what we’re thinking, so we might as well get it all out in the open. 

Besides, God seems to like honest hearts, even the self-righteous ones. 
I imagine it’s easier for God to work with us when we’re honest about
our feelings than when we hide them.  God can calm my (rational and irrational) fears, turn my frustration into action, transform my anger into constructive energy, and give me hope that good will come (whatever form that takes).  We can’t control our initial feelings, but with God’s help, we can control our subsequent words and actions. 

I’m learning to trust that God knowing my heart and mind is not a bad thing -- it makes it easier for me to trust that when God promises to love me and work with me that God knows what God is getting into. 

1. Can you be honest with God about your most self-righteous feelings?

2. When have you been ashamed of your thoughts, but by the grace of God managed to speak or act better? 

Dear Lord, you know I’m not perfect.  When I get on my high horse, help me safely get back out of that saddle.  Amen.

Mike Kern, Hosanna! Lutheran, Liberty, MO

MONDAY, MARCH 10 - Psalm 18

“The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer,
    my God, my rock in whom I take refuge,
    my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
  I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised,
    so I shall be saved from my enemies.”  v. 2-3

Do you have enemies? 

I am not sure I have enemies, but I do have individuals who have been hateful and unkind to me.  Their words and behavior have wounded my heart.  In my youth, I would cry or, in retaliation, try to wound them with hurtful intentions.  Then I realized that doing that only caused me more pain.  So, in my old years, I have learned to let it go and not hold on to my pain. 

I like this Psalm because it is one that David wrote when he was delivered from his enemies, acknowledging that God was his strength, rock, fortress, and deliverer.  God was his shield, salvation and stronghold.  We too have a God who loves us beyond all measure and enables us to let go of those things and people that cause us pain!

1. How have you responded to hateful words or actions in your life?

2. Have you been able to let go of the pain and move forward?

Gracious God, let us always remember that you are with us
in our pain, and you seek to offer us comfort and mercy.  Amen.

Cynthia Schnaath, St. James, Kansas City, MO












































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