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Worship on Sunday, February 2 

We worship all together by streaming our live service.  Join us live online at 9:30 or come back later to watch the recording.  

Announcement Highlights:​​

  • ​Upcoming Faith Formation Calendar:  We join to grow in faith each week after worship, 10:45-11:30.  The plan for upcoming weeks is as follows:

    • Feb. 2 - Kids Crews and Adult Study

    • Feb. 9 - Valentines for Vets Service Project

    • Feb. 16 - Kids Crews and Adult Study

    • Feb. 23 - Connect Week

  • Stewardship Letter and Giving Commitments   A letter that includes what we’re accomplishing together, our shared resources, giving information, and pledge details are available at

    • Please return your commitment card to the offering plate during worship, mail it to the church office, or complete it electronically at by Feb. 2nd.   

  • ​Adult Faith Formation: The 10 Commandments - Beginning on February 2 during Adult Faith Formation after worship, we begin a study of the 10 Commandments, taking into account your lifetime of experience and God’s invitation to forgiveness and well-being. 

  • Annual Meeting Recap Hosanna! held its annual congregational meeting on Sunday, January 26.  Here are a few highlights from the meeting:

    • Heard reports from various individuals and committees, and responded to questions from attendees.  People generally reported excitement about the work we’re doing, optimism about our future ministry, and invitation to join the work we’re doing.

    • Shared our parish statistics, which indicated continued growth of our youth, steady growth to attendance and membership, as well active involvement of people who aren’t necessarily members of the congregation.

    • Discussed plans for pastor and the congregation for 8 weeks of sabbatical this summer.

    • Passed a continuing resolution to our constitution to add up to two youth congregation council positions with a 1-year term. 

    • Passed a budget for 2025. 
      ​Printed copies of the annual report and budget can be picked up in the fellowship hall, downloaded at, or requested from the church office. 

If you are new to Hosanna:

We're so glad that you've joined us!  Please leave a comment letting us know you're here and fill out our worship guest sign-in form.  We believe the best part of Hosanna! is the people and the relationships we share, so we hope you'll join us in person sometime, too! 


We have a lot of other ministries and resources that you are welcome to join.  Take a look around our website to see what connects with you and read our weekly Happenings e-newsletter to see the 

latest about what's happening with Hosanna!


We'd also love to hear from you.  Send an e-mail to or call our church office at 816-781-7991.  We'd enjoy the opportunity to get to know you and support you.

If you would like prayer:

Copyright Acknowledgement: 

Service music (C) 2006 Augsburg Fortress. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress under license #SB118889.  Permission to podcast/stream the text and music in this service obtained from One with license #A-729952. 

You are part of our worship.

Let us know you're here!

​You may need to refresh the page to see who else has left a message since you arrived.  

No sign-in or e-mail address is required.​

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