Who We Are
Members of our congregation live in Liberty, North Kansas City, Pleasant Valley, Gladstone, Smithville, Kearney, Excelsior Springs, Cameron, Lathrop, and the surrounding areas.
Our worship attendees span all the generations pretty evenly. We have a lot of energetic young kids involved, but also a lot of beloved and faithful elders. We think spending time across generations is good for all of us.
We're pretty diverse politically and socioeconomically. We have a little racial diversity, though not as much as the general population. However, we believe the Body of Christ is better with the variety of gifts God has given us, so we yearn to grow in our diversity.
Many of our members are lifelong Lutherans, but many of them are not. Some have married into the Lutheran tradition, while others have simply found the theology, worship style, and/or our community to be a good fit. Most have been lifelong Christians, but we have some who are knew to the faith and a lot who have returned to the church after a period of inactivity.
No matter who you are, what you look like, how you act, or what Christian background you do or don't have, you will be most welcome among us, and most likely not alone.